HEALTH: Health Benefits of Quail Eggs.

HEALTH: Health Benefits of Quail Eggs.
By Lizzy Adie.

   Quail egg is considered to be one of the best known natural treatment products.  Chinese medical practitioners have been using quail eggs as a treatment for hundreds of years with brilliant results. As quail egg is slowly becoming an easy to get product on the market,  more and more people are becoming to show interest in its uses as an active natural medicine instead of conventional medicines with so many side effects. 
Quail Eggs Are Remedy Against
1. Digestive tract disorders such as gastric, stomach, and duodenal ulcers. 
2.  Help to accelerate recuperation after stroke and helps strengthen heart muscles. 
3.  Can help cure anemia, increasing hemoglobin level and remove toxins  and  heavy metals from blood. Also helps improve blood quality. 
4.  Help in the treatment of Tuberculosis,  Bronchial Asthma,  Diabetes  and vegetable vascular dystonia. 
5.  It has strong anticancer  effect and help inhibit cancerous growth. 
6.  Help eliminate and remove stones from liver, kidney and gallbladder. It also improve liver function. 
7.  It promote good memory, enhance brain activity and regulate the nervous system. 
8.  They are powerful stimulate of Sexual potency, they nourish the prostate gland with useful substances  like, phosphorus, protein and vitamin and therefore help restore Sexual potency in men. 
9.   It helps people with stress problem. 
10.  It helps to stimulate growth. 
11. Quail egg is proved to be a very valuable source of vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and vitamin D,  iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and other essential micro nutrients, mineral and amino acids. Which is why it is recommended for consumption. 
     If you are ready to promote your health without concern for intake, you can eat raw quail eggs after washing them in boiling water. You don’t have to worry about salmonella with quail eggs as quails are resistant to infections due to their increased content of lysozyme that kills harmful bacteria. For this method, eating three to five quail eggs each morning promotes a strong immune system and improves metabolism. 
   Experts says, children eating quail eggs are less inclined to suffer from infectious diseases than other children. 
Read more on health benefits of Quail Eggs and it’s recommendation for curing various diseases by Akinolore.  And centre for healthy living.