Dandadan is a manga series that debuted on Shonen Jump in 2021. Since then, it has accumulated massive fanfare; no wonder the anime adaptation was heavily hyped up ahead of its global premiere. The anime revolves around Okarun and Momo, who make us laugh our lungs out with their bizarre banter. And, now that the first season has concluded by giving us a flamboyant finale episode, every fan wants to know if the Dandadan anime has been renewed for Season 2. Well, let’s talk about it.
When is Dandadan Season 2 Coming?
Yeah, we got news that Dandadan has been renewed for Season 2 with the release of its final episode. The production team has also confirmed that the new season will be released in July 2025.
Season 1 is a wrap, but the wild ride isn’t anywhere near over.
#DANDADAN Season 2 airs July 2025! pic.twitter.com/uxaPsKMXwa— DAN DA DAN Anime EN (@animeDANDADANen) December 19, 2024
The anime has not only impressed the ones who have read the manga first but also the newcomers. We agree that there are many successful anime series and films but only a few can match the level of Ufotable’s animation that we have seen in Demon Slayer. However, Dandadan Season 1, produced by Science SARU, has been trending lately because it has surprisingly surpassed the standards set by Ufotable.
Now, it would be exciting to see if Science Saru could raise the standards even higher in the next season. The first season was directed by Fuga Yamashiro, and we hope to see him return in the second season, but nothing has yet been confirmed regarding the same.
Who Will Be the New Cast and Characters in Dandadan Season 2?
It’s too early to expect any updates about the cast, as the season has just been renewed, and it will take some time for the production team to reveal the casting for the new installment.
Well, we do know which characters we will get to meet in Dandadan Season 2. The majority of the characters we were introduced to in season 1 will obviously appear in the second season. Okarun, Momo, Aira, Jiji, and Seiko will continue to entertain us with their weird personalities.
Besides them, we will see new faces, such as Naki Kito, Shrine Priest, Jiji’a parents, and more. Well, the creators are yet to come up with the confirmed characters list and the cast information. So, stay tuned.
What to Expect From Dandadan Season 2?
Dandadan’s first season has ended by adapting the manga up to Chapter 33. So, the next season of the anime series will pick up from Chapter 34 of the manga series, and we will finally learn what is the mysterious energy in Jiji’s house. The boys, on one side, will figure out the mystery behind the Talismans they found in the final episode. Momo, on the other hand, will have to find a way out of the Hot Spring and save herself from the Gators as the characters return for the sequel.
Moreover, it’s safe to assume that the second season will focus more on Okarun’s family jewels and Turbo Granny. Her relationship with the group will develop and might take different turns.
At the same time, Okarun and Momo’s relationship will also progress, but it would not be right to spoil everything here. For now, let’s just say that the sequel will feature more bizarre supernatural beings and be surprising for the fandom.