Our Correspondent|16 February 2018
THOUSANDS of people gave their lives to Christ while many others received healing for their bodies on Thursday, the first day of the of the Calabar Great Gospel Crusade holding in Calabar NegroidHaven can report authoritatively
Millions of people from across the state and neighbouring states turned up at the Cross River State University of Technology grounds venue for the crusade with thousands showing up several hours before the 4.00 pm announced time for commencement of the programme .
Many were healed of diverse ailments such as HIV, deafness, blindness, paralysis, pains, poison among others
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, in his message at the Crusade which is his first since he was formally anointed by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke as a successor in December last year said the history of Calabar will be rewritten after the four day event as many mighty things will take place in the city.
“God is always on time; he is never early, never late in his dealings and this is the right time for Calabar to experience the miraculous and the history of this great city will never remain the same” Kolenda said
The message taken from Romans 10: 13, Kolenda announced that in Christianity God seeks man unlike in other religion where man seeks God and he did that by sending his son Jesus to redeem man from sin and iniquity.
“Christ came so that everyone who calls upon the name of the Saviour shall be saved and this salvation takes one out whatever addiction be it alcoholic, drug or homosexuality”.
He said the feet of everyone who has received Christ is planted on the solid rock no matter the country, tribe or state of origin
He called on blacks to stop bleaching their skin as they are amazingly created by God and most whites crave for the black skin.
“Black people are amazingly created by God and white people crave to have black skin that is why many of them lie in the sun to turn their skin black but here I see some people bleach their skin to be white which is wrong”.
The programme which lasted for a few hours was interspersed with musical rendition and testimonies from those who were healed by God.
NegroidHaven… Truth in view of Africa's liberty!