Happy birthday to a Finer Gentleman, George Odok Jnr!

Happy birthday to a Finer Gentleman, George Odok Jnr!

Efio-Ita Nyok|25 November 2017 
I don't know what he's doing with the ink and pen —his temperament seem to set him for another profession; I don't know how he arrived at asking questions for a living; 
Concerning his temperament, he's an extrovert, in fact, —a Choleric; being extrovertish, makes him quite a lively person and full of energy —There's no dull moment with this fine gentleman;
As a Choleric, he's a crusader against error, evil and everything against goodness; he frowns at marginalisation, oppression, subjugation against a fellow human, irrespective of the justification;
This is where his foray into the black and white profession which ask questions makes more meaning. His writings are such that highlights the inhumanity of humans against fellow humans in society. Yes, his writings brims light over darkness. 
He ask questions for living and through his pen —asking numerous questions about governance, crime, education, security, motivation, etc. In the bids to responding to these questions by some power centres, society has benefited immensely! I as well as others have benefited from our relationship with you. 
I can go on and on, paragraphs after paragraphs, clauses upon clauses, lines over lines and punctuations replete with punctuations but, permit me to take a pause here and wish you well. 
May the light of God shine tremendously over you and may His Grace, not the Mugabean type, characterise your everyday living and adventure —I wish you what you wish yourself on an auspicious day such as this.
From all of us @NegroidHaven, I say Happy birthday to the no-nonsense George Odok, journalist par excellence! 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NegroidHaven