Hand Washing can Reduce the Risk of Cross Transmission of Infection —Dr. Asibong

Hand Washing can Reduce the Risk of Cross Transmission of Infection —Dr. Asibong

L-R: Symbolic hand washing exercise today and Commissioner Asibong

Efio-Ita Nyok|16 October 2016

Cross River Ministry of Health in partnership with Medical Women Association of Nigeria (MWON) and Green Pasture Ministry marked Global Hand Washing 2016 today at Green Pasture Christian Centre, No 34 Fenton Street Calabar.

Highlight of the activities to mark the Global Hand Washing Day were medical outreach sponsored by Medical Women Association of Nigeria, distribution of hand sanitizers to members of the community, health education/practical demonstrations on hand washing and other health related counseling.

Those in attendance were Dr Inyang Asibong, CRS, Commissioner for Health, represented by Mr Coco-Bassey Esu, Medical Women Association of Nigeria led by Dr Nchiewe Ani, Founder of Green Pasture Christian Centre, Pastor Grace Udoakang, Doctors and Nurses from University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Calabar, voluntary organisations, Church members and residents of Henshaw Town community.

Hand washing is now regarded as one of the most important element of infection control activities. This is worthy to note that hand washing/hygiene was the basic tool we used to curtail Ebola and Lassa Fever from entering the state. There is enough scientific evidence which supports that hand hygiene/washing alone can significantly reduce the risk of cross transmission of infection in health care facilities and our homes.

With 'clean care is safer care' as a prime agenda of the global initiative of WHO on patient safety programmes, Cross River health sector has formulated the much needed policies on hand hygiene/washing which is simple, low cost but least accepted from infection prevention.

These has brought improvement in hand hygiene /washing but there is still low compliance even in resource rich settings. With global campaign to all nooks and crannies of our communities as it is been centre with school children to parents, patients, insurers, governments and regulatory bodies, compliance level will increase strick adherence to hand hygiene/washing.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is the Publisher & Editor of NegroidHaven.org