Governor Ayade gave Birth to a New Cross River State that Fears no Economic Hardship

Governor Ayade gave Birth to a New Cross River State that Fears no Economic Hardship

By Edward Ntebri Egbelo

“No child will go to bed with no food on his stomach”, those were his words that day, the day Cross River State experienced an everlasting eclipse of economic prosperity. When those words echoed from the walls of the Calabar International Convention Center to the radio/television waves all around the world, many thought it was a mere political mantra to catch the indepth passion of the masses towards Ayade. The journey started with the mindset he developed within himself as a leader and he transfigured this vision into an action plan of economic prosperity.

It was glaring that the possibility of keeping the ship afloat the top of the large ocean was a difficult task, but considering Ayade’s exposure and passion, the task of injecting the right seed into the fertile soil of Cross River State gradually became a reality in the state. He surpassed most of those challenges and started projects that one would wonder where he gets funds to finance these projects, considering the quality and capacity you find in all of these projects. There is a new born Cross River State inside a womb many never expected such a beautiful child, but the child is here to stay.

Many never knew that the start was a rough one, a beginning that saw salaries been owed, contracts been suspended owing to lack of funds, etc.. but Ayade never rejected the challenge, neither did he make excuses. Just like a father that knows the importance of an educated child, he went to the streets to attract attention and collaboration from the International community and now Cross River State Is gradually growing up to become a state that pays little attention to what comes from the Federal Government, Cross River State is now like a Vatican City in Italy, with an economy that is resilient to shocks.

Cross River State, receives very little from the Federal Government disbursement to states, but it’s not always about the brand of aircraft, but the capacity of the pilot to take you to your destination safely. There is a new Cross River in Nigeria, revolution is finding it’s way into the heart of every Cross Riverian, Cross Riverians now see hardtimes as an opportunity to develop new ideas on how to develop the economic front of the state. All these wouldn’t have been possible without a right thinking leader, a leader that knows how to do the job without excuses.

Of course everybody now wants to do business with Cross River State, business flights flying in and out the state, an atmosphere that encourages both local and international businesses. Cross River State is now like a child that no longer waits for her mother to take the feeding-bottle to her mouth, she knows how to feed herself, even with little or no assistance from her mother. What many saw as impossible is already happening in the state, salaries are been paid, roads are been constructed, rural communities getting pipeborne water/electricity, agriculture developing to the next level, new projects springing up all over the state. Admist the harsh economic realities, Cross River State is working.

There is now a foundation for industrial development in Cross River State, food security is assured. But there is one thing we must remember “governance is no longer a board room affair, governance has been taken to the doorstep of not only Cross Riverians but to all living in Cross River State. A captain has taken his army to the war front, with very little weapons, but he believes in the bravery and skills of his soldiers. Ayade is the newest brand in Nigerian politics, he has properly defined how governance works in a modern society that is so much dependent on a single source as a means of livelihood.