11 November commissioned GP officers
Efio-Ita Nyok|15 November 2016
Cross River State Green Police Volunteers (CRSGPV) were recommissioned on 11 November after the 29 May commissioning by the Executive Governor of Cross River State, Mr Ben Ayade. On the latter date of the commissioning, the public were made to know that there were 1,500 GP officers. However, on the former date of recommissioning, Cross Riverians were kept aloof, by the governor's media aide, as to the actual number of officers recommissioned.
Research made by Obudu, Cross River-born freelance journalist, Mr Inyali Peter, and pictorial evidence has it that on the recommissioning date of 11 November, Gov Ayade inaugurated only ten (10) out of a supposedly 1,500 GP officers. Mr Peter's findings further suggest that these ten are of the officer cadre. Even at that, could that be the only reason ten were employed becomes the question begging for attention? Mr Peter best phrases these concerns thus:
'The question now is; what is the fate of the remaining 1,490 people who's names were published and inaugurated on the 29th of May? Is there any hope that they would be absorbed anytime soon? Were they given any significant reason(s) why they were not reinaugurated too?
'I understand the ten persons that were recommissioned and given cars last week were recruited into the officer cadre. But, is it that out of 1,500 the governor commissioned the first time, only ten were commissioned as graduates? I personally know more than ten of my graduates friends who were part of the first commissioning but none of them was among the recommissioned officers.
'So how did Governor Ayade selected the ten commissioned people? I noticed that this time, his media agents didn't specify the number of officers who were reinaugurated. Can we know the true position of the Green Police? Government officials, please takeover', he concluded.
It will be recalled that the government of Cross River State finally succumbed to employing these ten after repeated calls from numerous quarters on the status of the volunteer scheme. So, we understand that the recommissioning exercise was an attempt at executive showmanship by the 'Shoki dancing one'. Hmmmmmm…dis govment ehhhh, e be like say na scam ooooo. Tomorrow, we may not be surprised to discover that even these ten are yet to be given letters of employment, let alone payrolled.
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven.org
Ayade knows he is going soon so he is looking for cheap popularity for relevance, he should know that he is handing over to a SAN, so he should be ready to account for every penny he is throwing around
Ayade knows he is going soon so he is looking for cheap popularity for relevance, he should know that he is handing over to a SAN, so he should be ready to account for every penny he is throwing around