Glamour model Meg Turney forgoes pants for her Street Fighter 6 Cammy cosplay

Glamour model Meg Turney forgoes pants for her Street Fighter 6 Cammy cosplay

You very well may recognize internet personality Meg Turney as she’s been a prominent model, streamer, and cosplayer for the better part of the last two decades. Not only that, she’s made it to more than a few “sexiest” and “hottest” lists over that time, and has been known to ruffle feathers thanks to her tendency to push sexual boundaries when it comes to cosplay.

We’ve collected a few of Meg’s Cammy cosplays from over the years as she depicts the super popular Street Fighter character in a few different costumes, the latest of which (her Street Fighter 6 street attire) lives up to her aforementioned reputation.

Since her debut back in Street Fighter 2, Cammy has never shied away from showing plenty of skin. Her iconic green leotard and red gauntlets are relatively simple, but Capcom has used this look for almost all of her main franchise appearances.

The character got her first notable outfit change since the Alpha days (and her Alpha costume was damn close to only being a color swap of her original) as Capcom gave her a total wardrobe makeover in Street Fighter 6.

Cammy covered up all but her midriff with her new jean jacket and leggings combo, but Meg Turney wasn’t quite ready to embrace the full evolution. The result? Meg dons the jean jacket and the hair style, but forgets the pants a la traditional Cammy:

This next look is unique as Miss Turney goes for a green lingerie version of Miss White. It almost looks as though she had some help from Poison Ivy in designing this one:

Traditional Cammy is always a good look, and seems like it may be all but a rite of passage for cosplayers in this day and age. Meg pulls it off flawlessly, as you can see from the embeds here.

Note that one of these has two photos in it, and you’ll need to click the arrow to cycle over and see the second, cheeky image.

Next up is a poolside version of Cammy. She trades her beret for a red baseball cap and her gauntlets for red floaties (a clever touch, to be sure).

We close out on a look at Cammy’s Street Fighter 5 alternate battle costume. She’s got a bunch of extra gadgets and gear… that she never actually gets to use in any of her fights.

Let us know what you thought of Meg’s various Cammy takes in the comments below. She’s got a lot more from where this came from on her Instagram page, so be sure to peep that next if you’d like to see more.
