Glamour Girls In Conjunction With Big Jimmy Productions Presents Children Xmas Fiesta 2015 In Calabar

Glamour Girls In Conjunction With Big Jimmy Productions Presents Children Xmas Fiesta 2015 In Calabar

Looking for where your Children will have a memorable party ever? Then search no more as Glamour Girls (Lagos) In Conjunction With Big Jimmy Productions Presents Children Xmas Fiesta 2015 In Calabar.

The party will be featuring Quiz competition, Drama competition, Dancing and Singing competition, Miming and Swimming and lots more.
Special attractions also includes; Little Miss Xmas Fiesta 2015, Queen of Municipal Garden, How do you know Jesus (Quiz), Barney and Jojo dance, etc.

Date: 19th – 20th Dec., 2015
Time: 12:00 noon daily
Venue: Municipal Garden, Calabar Municipality.

Glamour Girls In Conjunction With Big Jimmy Productions Presents Children Xmas Fiesta 2015 In Calabar

Glamour Girls In Conjunction With Big Jimmy Productions Presents Children Xmas Fiesta 2015 In Calabar

Glamour Girls In Conjunction With Big Jimmy Productions Presents Children Xmas Fiesta 2015 In Calabar

For Enquiries, Call:

Jimmy: 07068931109
Blessing: 07089917093