George Santos has a new job: Selling Cameos for $200 a pop

George Santos has a new job: Selling Cameos for $200 a pop

George Santos’ first gig out of Congress is selling Cameo appearances for $200 apiece.

The disgraced politician on Friday became the sixth congressman to be expelled from the House of Representatives following a scathing Ethics Committee report alleging misappropriation of campaign funds. But supporters still wanting to hear Santos’ voice can hire him to record a video greeting.

One of his first recordings is addressed to someone named Megan. In that clip, which lasts nearly a minute, the 35-year-old Republican offers advice on coping with criticism.

“They can boot me out of Congress, but they can’t take away my good humor or my larger-than-life personality,” Santos said.

Santos’ refers to himself as a “Former congressional ‘Icon’” on his Cameo profile. Those wishing to buy a personalized message can choose from topics including holiday greetings, gossip and advice.

When Santos started selling video messages, they cost only $150, according to The Hill. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, by comparison, charges only$20 per message.

In another sample Cameo clip Santos posted, he said, “It doesn’t matter if you either get fired from a job or if you find a new job, what matters is what you make of it.”

Santos was elected to the House of Representatives in November 2022 thanks to a campaign built almost entirely on lies about his education, work history and family background. He was exposed by a bombshell report in The New York Times that generously claimed he “seems to have misrepresented a number of his career highlights.”

Santos faces nearly two dozen felony counts that could send him to prison. He said at a press conference last week before being voted out of government that he didn’t know what his next move would be, but “the future is endless.”

A link to his congressional biography page shows a list of “Current Vacancies of the 118th Congress.” A special election will be held to fill the 3rd Congressional District seat Santos vacated.


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