Kenshi is generally perceived to be one of the stronger characters in Mortal Kombat 1. On paper, the idea of using Scorpion as a Kameo to counter Kenshi’s Sento Stance pressure is one that makes a lot of sense.
In particular, Kameo Scorpion’s “Get Over Here” special will pull the player’s point character full-screen backwards, behaving like a pseudo back dash. This move will even grant armor frames while it’s in effect. Sounds like a good way of breaking free from pressure in Mortal Kombat 1, right?
Unfortunately for Tre on Twitter, this idea didn’t really pan out. During the shared clip, Li Mei can be seen getting pressured by Kenshi’s Sento Stance.
To escape this sequence, the Li Mei user attempted to use Kameo Scorpion’s Get Over Here special, taking full advantage of all the space behind. However, doing so oddly caused Kenshi’s Sento Stance puppet to also get pulled along with Li Mei. As a result, the player was now in an even worse position than before.
More than likely, this is another bug in Mortal Kombat 1 that NetherRealm Studios will have to patch out now that some light is being shed on its existence. Regardless, it’s still pretty funny that this sequence can work like this.
Check it out below:
“Spear will pull you out of most sento pressure sequences”
Remind me to never take advice from this mf again because why did the spear pull sento back with me?
— tre (@treArtz) December 31, 2023