From Street Fighter 6 Elena to extra sexy Ramlethals, Jaz Deceased makes these spot on cosplays herself

From Street Fighter 6 Elena to extra sexy Ramlethals, Jaz Deceased makes these spot on cosplays herself

We feature a good amount of fighting game cosplay here on EventHubs and as such have grown quite an appreciation for artists who not only make their bodies physically resemble the often impossibly fit characters they imitate, but especially for those who go the extra mile in creating their costumes from scratch.

It’s not to say a cosplay purchased from an internet retailer can’t look amazing, but there are many extra points to be awarded for those who have the talent and patience to effectively make their own. Enter Miss Jaz Deceased, an incredibly talented artist and cosplayer who clearly works just as hard on creating cosplays as she does staying in fighting game character shape.

We’ve rounded up a handful of beautiful posts from Jaz’s X page to share with you today, the majority of which actually feature characters from Guilty Gear Strive. We’ll note now that Jaz isn’t one to show her face in these photos, which actually feels somewhat strategic as far as our imaginations being able to fill in the blanks with the actual characters’ faces.

We kick things off with Jaz’s Street Fighter 6 Elena, a character we’ve seen almost nothing for save for when Capcom gave us a sneak peek at her updated design in the Street Fighter 6 Season 2 DLC trailer. Jaz put this all together and posted the photo within three days of the aforementioned trailer going live.

Next up Jaz takes on yet another Street Fighter 6 roster member in Juri. This isn’t just any take on Juri, however, as she dons the character’s pink pajama outfit, which we’re seeing an increasing number of cosplays for these days. Notice how she hits just about every detail of the costume, including the unique spider web zipper.

These next posts feature Guilty Gear’s Ramlethal in a few different clothing sets. The first is a somewhat standard take on the character’s main Strive attire while the second is a bit of a dressed down version.

We’re not sure if Jaz got this particular swimsuit, noticed how well it’d work for a Dizzy cosplay and proceeded to make the whole getup, or if she bought said swimsuit with the cosplay in mind from the beginning. We’re going to go with the former until otherwise specified.

Following up on Dizzy we get a pop up shop version of Bridget. You can see how the pattern on the sweater isn’t exactly one to one, but how well the piece of clothing works anyway. There’s a certain charm in seeing how this was a well-incorporated sweater as opposed to one simply made for the cosplay itself.

We close out with a double take on Elphelt Valentine. The first is fairly standard, the second sees the character in some white street wear. These are totally different takes on the love-loving character, and we can’t decide if we like the elaborate pink or the simpler white better.
