Freddy Fazbear serves up pain in Mortal Kombat 1 mod that looks really funny in Story Mode

Move over Krueger

Freddy Fazbear serves up pain in Mortal Kombat 1 mod that looks really funny in Story Mode

For over the past decade, Mortal Kombat has prided itself in featuring a bunch of slasher horror icons, but they technically haven’t gotten any animatronics in on the action yet.

One modder decided to change that, however, by bringing Freddy Fazbear over from Five Nights at Freddy’s over to Mortal Kombat 1 to serve up some pain to the cast.

HiBlakkes put together they FNAF mod to replace Cyrax’s Kameo assist in the fighting game on PC, which fits pretty well with that giant saw in his chest — though would have maybe been better on a character that bites people.

Other players have figured out how to make Freddy a playable character too, which is made extra ridiculous by taking him into Story Mode and seeing the mechanical bear fight in cutscenes.

There are some improvements to be made considering Cyrax’s robot dreads and waist cloth still poke out of the model, but hopefully that’ll be updated in the future.

We don’t really expect to see Freddy to make an official appearance in Mortal Kombat any time soon considering how much FNAF is geared towards children and young teens, but it’s odd that we live in a world where that chance is not zero.

We recently took a look at another horror mod that actually does have a decent stab at getting into MK1 with Scream’s Ghostface.

You can find more information about Freddy on the Nexus Mods page, and check out the bear in action thanks to GAMERALISIMUS and Johnny Cage Jr. though be warned for Story Mode spoilers in the first video.
