Richard Romanus|22 January 2017
To say Obubra Local Government is not leaving up to its expectations as one of the oldest Local Government is to be economical with the truth. The hard truth is, it is one of the most economically, politically, socially backward LGA if not the most backward in the state with each and every indigiene of Obubra whether home or abroad,sharing in the blame for her backwardness.
After the demise of Late Chief John Oyom Okpa, we became like the Biblical Esau who sold his birthright for a plate of pottage. All of a sudden, a local government that was some sought of political Mecca for politicians within and outside the State, became one that was outside the political orbit of Cross River. Who gets what, when and how, was and is no longer the decision of Obubra people, but outsiders who rather impose their stooges on us.
I know somebody would have expected me to put the blame entirely on our leaders but what have we all done in our own little ways to develop even our local communities? You see why I say, we are all culpable! We prefer to build our beautiful houses only in other people's LGA with a flimsy excuse that 'afterall this is where I stay often', we prefer to do our busineses outside our LGA forgetting to know that, a branch of such business in your LGA or your local community can drive development, rather than explore all available avenues for peace, we support and encourage communal clashes in our domains thereby discouraging potential investors. How then, do we expect not to be backward?
The division among us occasioned by political and fraternal difference has been made so pronounced and obvious to the extend where merits and competence have been replace by membership of a particular cult group or political party.
But like Desmond Tutu rightly opined “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. In spite of all the very many obstacles holding us back as a people, never have I loss hope of the possibility of our dear LGA reclaiming back it rightful place as one of the oldest Local Government in the State. For me, the forthcoming Local Government elections presents to us that unique opportunity. An opportunity where, we will collectively resist any attempt by outsiders to impose on us their stooges as Chairman or Councillors once again. It also affords us, the opportunity to send clear signals to the enemies of Obubra,that never again will we allow them take decisions for us.
Local Government as the name implies, is unarguably the closest tier of Government to the people. It is a Government that is meant to Carter for the needs of the locals and the rural dwellers. it is one that speaks their language, knows their challenges and their needs.
It is therefore my considered opinion that, as the elections draws closer, political parties and their leaders take all of this into cognisance by ensuring that, whoever emerges as their standard flagbearers, is one that is known to the people and one who also knows the people too. This in my mind, is one of the major ways issues like Communal clashes can be brought to barest minimum.
Our leaders must eschew politics of bitterness and hatred irrespective of party affiliation baring in my mind that, they are first brothers and Sisters before members of a political party or political group. They must be their brothers keepers and have each others back no matter what.
Finally, the youths must realise that, rather than dissipate energy or killing one another to be a capon of a cult group or reclaim a parcel of land, such courage and energy can be use in contesting for a Chairmanship or a legislative position. Henceforth, they must reject the body guard, election thug or drivers role that has been assigned to them and take their Destiny in their hands.
Obubra must be great again!!!
Richard Romanus
Is a Public Affairs Commentator from Oderegha, Obubra LGA of CRS.