Forester – Mooiplaas at Sappi

As a Forester, you will be responsible for:

Prepare land & re-establish according to Planning’s recommendations for re-establishment (planting & coppice regeneration) to achieve Temporary Unplanted targets within budget constraints.
Manage the re-establishment to achieve maximum stocking within silvicultural standards.
Inspect operations regularly (at least weekly) to identify risks & ensure the timeous action (blanking & pest control, coppice management).
Ensure all operations comply with service level agreement.
Protect crops from weed competition, pests and diseases by regular field inspections & the timing of operations to achieve maximum yields within cost constraints.
Develop a pre-harvest plan and conduct a risk assessment per compartment in order to mitigate potential risks.
Conduct interim inspections to monitor and ensure adherence to safety and Mill quality specifications.
Ensure daily production targets are managed effectively and comply with legislative and company policies & procedures.
Identify and ensure road & depot/sidings maintenance plans are communicated and implemented effectively.
Use Fire Risk Management System (FRMS) to identify risks, record & implement fire control procedures.
Implement the Annual Plan of Operations for both commercial and open areas, and ensure operations comply with standards and service level agreements.
Ensure that company assets such as buildings, villages and company houses are maintained & managed effectively according to set standards within budget constraints.
Ensure that the vehicle fleet is maintained & managed according to the lease agreement, Sappi guidelines & budget. Ensure that relations with communities, other internal and external stakeholders are effectively maintained and managed in order to ensure company image is upheld, risks mitigated and relationships enhanced.
Ensure that a professional relationship with the contractor is maintained and that quality, delivery and compliance standards as set out in the job instruction system and service level agreement are adhered to.
Ensure that contractor shifts are balanced to match the annual plan of operations, the contract is viable, and risks mitigated accordingly.

What are we looking for?

National Diploma in Forestry, Agriculture, Horticulture
Up to one-year of relevant experience.
Valid code 08 driver’s License

Click Here To Apply