By Nelson Amaobi Osuala
4th of June 2015, 02:26pm.
American president Barack Obama after much critical reflection, Contemplation as well as persuasion , finally signs into law the Freedom Act which completely overhauls the preexisting Patriot Act.
The Freedom Act can be referred to such rights possessed as a citizen of America, that restricts or better still forbids the United States Government from surveiling his or her phone records as an American citizen.
This Act thus restrains as well as limits what we may call ” Domestic surveillance ” of all Americans by the US Government.
To take us through memory lane, it would be recalled that some time last year, there was a bridge in Security Intelligence in America.
Premised upon the fact that a young American citizen got fed up about the way the US government have been policing the lives of not just her citizen but other top government officials and political leaders of different countries of the world.
To the Point of monitoring their most secretive private lives. He therefore decided to “make public that which was made private” by the US Government.
After hacking into the server and breaking through the IP (internet protocol) address, he then disseminated the information to the teeming public and consequently aroused the concern of the international community who questioned the legality of such actions by the US Government under the provisions of the Law as adjudged by the then, International Criminal court (ICC) .
This singular act by that American citizens, raised the eyebrows of the Enemies of America and also mixed feelings from political rival groups cum other politically conscious individuals.
Some People judged the young man’s action and consequently tagged him a Hero while to others He was a villain , another Judas Iscariot who allegedly betrayed his Master.. In this case, America.!
The young man who perpetrated that act has today been granted Asylum in Russia as we speak.
Without much ado, many issues have surrounded the bill put forwards in the House of Commons in US especially since the September “9/11” incidence.
The debate had however lingered for long and now after much consideration and also through unanimous Democratic decision, the president Barack Obama finally signs the Bill into Law as informed by our source.
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