Nelson A. Osuala [11 May 2016] 03:34PM
The name Hiroshima is not strange to many Historians. It is Popularly argued that ” When you take away someone's history, then, you have succeeded in crippling the entire being and identity of such an individual.
Whether this argument is valid or no, I cannot I suppose it depends on the context we are speaking from.
It stands therefore to reason from the foregoing that “our past is what makes us who we are” to borrow from the words of Jet Li in the movie Twin Warriors.
But we are quick to ask on a second thought if we are to embrace our past even when such past experience is a sorrowful one that triggers anger, hot tears, regrets and possibly, a retaliation mentality ? I leave you to answer!
Without much ado, Information reaching us has it that, Barack Obama has planned to visit Hiroshima, the central place that was devastated by the nuclear bomb of 1945.
According to CNN , Obama will be the first ever serving US president to travel to the Japanese city since it was hit by the nuclear bomb in 1945 otherwise known as world war 2.
The events of that war cannot be forgotten in a hurry as its resultant effect still lingers in the hearts of individuals across the world needless to say of the Japanese themselves.
Without much ado, Obama's name will go done memory lane as it would no doubt be written in the sands of time if he is able to achieve this feat.
His visit would mean a lot in the world over as it would serve as a positive step towards the pursuance of peace across the globe.
laying credence to another source, it is alleged by the white House that although Obama will be visiting the Historic Hiroshima, he will however not apologise to Japan for the world war 2 attack on their soil.
Critically evaluating this assertion, we are left to ask that if the US is unrepentant about the aftermath of the Nuclear bomb attack in Japan, why then would the United Nations unanimously agree to the citing the renowned 'University of Peace' in Japan?
It stands to reason that such action is only done in pretext- an indirect way of saying to the Japanese Government:
These are my subjective conclusions.
You may drop your comments below.
Nelson A. Osuala is a Blogger & an Associate Editor in NegroidHaven.