‘For me, it was easier to win in Street Fighter 5 than it is in Street Fighter 6’

'For me, it was easier to win in Street Fighter 5 than it is in Street Fighter 6'

A few weeks ago, more than 1,200 entrants showed up for the Capcom Pro Tour Super Premier Japan and tons of extremely hype matches played out until only one winner was left standing — the fighting game legend Rohto|Tokido.

After this massive victory which also directly punched his ticket to Capcom Cup 11, I decided to reach out to Rohto|Tokido to see if he had some words to share about his recent success, his prospects for a Capcom Cup victory, Street Fighter 6 and its current state in general as well as a few other subjects of interest.

This interview was conducted entirely in Japanese, but I’ve directly translated it to English as well as included the original Japanese version for any Japanese readers who might enjoy seeing the untranslated questions and responses. Continue below to see what the Super Premier champion had to say.

MajinTenshinhan: First of all, congratulations on winning the Capcom Pro Tour Japan Super Premier! Japan is filled with very strong players and is often referred to as the strongest region. Entering the tournament in Japan with over 1,200 players, were you confident that you would be able to win it?

Rohto|Tokido: Thank you! Lately, I’d been feeling confident in establishing my playstyle, but even then I was not confident that I’d be able to win such a high level tournament as the Japan Super Premier. As the tournament went on, the feeling of “This might just be my day?” started growing stronger and stronger!

MajinTenshinhan: I heard that you practice a lot with your Street Fighter League teammate Leshar. What specifically do you and Leshar do for practice? Also, did you do any training outside of your sessions with Leshar, and if so, what kind of training?

Rohto|Tokido: During the Street Fighter League Pro-JP season I train every day at the REJECT office. There are days I play Leshar and also days that I don’t, but we’re always looking at each other’s games and giving advice on where to improve. Since the effects of the Corona virus pandemic, the custom of gathering offline every day has dissappeared here in Japan, but having a place like this and a team where we can support each other makes me very thankful.

A lot of the top players in Japan stop by the REJECT practice area from time to time so I actively share opinions and feedback with them as well.

MajinTenshinhan: Last year, you unfortunately weren’t able to qualify for the Capcom Cup. This year you’re already confirmed for Capcom Cup, how do you think your chances of winning are?

Rohto|Tokido: Just looking at the players who are already qualified it reminds me how high level the competition will be and I don’t think it will be easy. I’m going to spend my time researching each of them and hope that it’ll even slightly improve my chances of winning.

MajinTenshinhan: This is just my perspective from overseas, but Street Fighter 6 seems to have exploded in popularity in Japan. Could you tell us your thoughts on Street Fighter 6’s popularity as well as Capcom Cup not being in America, but instead happening in Japan, for the first time?

Rohto|Tokido: The popularity of Street Fighter 6 in Japan is at a level which was unthinkable before now and it’s wonderful. I believe this is the result of the players, the game creators, the management and of course most importantly the community as a whole who’ve worked hard together to spread Street Fighter across the world.

With Capcom Cup being in Japan this year, I honestly feel lucky that I’ll also be participating in it for the first time in 5 years. As a representative of Japan which has quite a high level, I feel like I need to show off gameplay that makes everyone here proud, so I’m diligently working every day to make sure that I can do that.

MajinTenshinhan: You’ve played a lot of different fighting games at top level through the years and produced strong results in many of them. As someone with this level of experience, what do you think of Street Fighter 6 right now? Also please share if you have any hopes for system changes or similar areas.

Rohto|Tokido: I don’t have many opinions on the game systems and generally just play what the game makers have given us.

Something I want to praise is that this game has brought in a lot of new players, at least in Japan. Us professional players have made playing fighting games our livelihood, but that’s not possible unless the scene is big enough for it.

For me personally, it was easier to win in Street Fighter 5 than it is in Street Fighter 6, but it still felt more difficult to be a pro in it. In contrast, Street Fighter 6 is more difficult to win in, but for a professional player the environment has improved, I believe.

When it comes to system changes I’d hope to see, I’d just like to see changes that would make it more popular worldwide as well. I can’t say definitively what kind of changes those would be, though…

MajinTenshinhan: As someone who’s enthusiastically followed fighting games since Street Fighter 4, the image of “Tokido = Akuma” is very strong for me. But, in Street Fighter 6, even after Akuma’s release you’ve kept playing Ken. Please share why you’d rather play Ken over Akuma.

Rohto|Tokido: To answer in just a few words, I feel like Ken gives off a stronger presence which is why I continue playing him.

When players choose their characters there’s a lot of different aspects that go into that, and I have my own criteria as well.

For a more detailed response to this in particular, I talk about it in these two videos, so please watch them if you’re curious.

MajinTenshinhan: Even at the top placements of recent tournaments in Street Fighter 6, we’ve seen tons of Akuma and M.Bisons which has become a heated discussion, at least overseas. What do you think of the balance in this version of the game? Are there any characters you think are too strong or too weak?

Rohto|Tokido: I do think that there are strong characters and weak characters, but I do think with tournaments being in a first-to-2 format, don’t most characters have a chance? If tournaments were to change to a first-to-3 format, I think people would have to start thinking more about playing characters who are higher in power level.

So I do think that there are both strong and weak characters, but for this game I think it’s more important to look at if they’re fun for you to play or if they have certain individualities that appeal to you. I think this is one of the game’s most successful aspects.

Continue below for the Japanese version. 下に日本語版があるので、ご覧ください。

魔人天津飯: まずはカプコンプロツアー日本スーパープレミア優勝おめでとうございます! ストリートファイター6では日本は猛者共が溢れてよく最強の地域と言われている場所ですね。 この日本で1200人以上の大会に参加する前に優勝する自信はありましたか?

ときど: ありがとうございます。最近は自信のプレイスタイルを確立できたという自信はありましたが、それでもこのレベルの高い日本プレミアを勝つ自信は持てませんでした。 トーナメントを勝ち進むにつれて、徐々に今日は俺の日かも??という気持ちが強まっていきました!

魔人天津飯: ときどさんは毎日SFLチームメイトのレシャーさんと練習したと聞きましたが、レシャーさんとの練習は具体的何をしましたか? そしてレシャーさんと以外の練習もありましたならその内容も教て下さい。

ときど: SFLproJPのシーズン中は毎日REJECTのオフィスで練習をしています。レシャーとは対戦する日もない日もありますが、お互いのプレーを見て改善点を言うことは常にやっています。 コロナ禍の影響で日本には毎日オンラインで集まる習慣がなくなってしまったのですが、このような場所を提供してくれるチームには感謝しています。


魔人天津飯: ときどさんは去年は残念ながらカプコンカップ出場出来ませんでした。 今年はもうカプコンカップ出場決定なので勝算についてどう思いますか?

ときど: すでに決勝進出を決めているプレイヤーの顔ぶれを見ると、改めてハイレベルなので勝つのは簡単ではないと思います。 これから各プレイヤーの研究を進め、少しでも勝率を高めたいですね。

魔人天津飯: 海外からの意見なんですが、ストリートファイター6は日本では凄く盛り上がっている様子です。 ストリートファイター6の人気について、そして今回のカプコンカップが初のアメリカではなく日本に開催されることについての感想を教て下さい。

ときど: SF6の日本での人気は今まで考えられないほど素晴らしいものになっています。 これもプレイヤー、メーカー、運営の方々、そしてなによりもコミュニティ全体がSFを世の中に広めていきたいと活動していた成果だと思っております。


魔人天津飯: ときどさんは長い間いろんな格闘ゲームで活躍してトップレベルの結果も残すことが出来ました。 その経験を 積み重ねたプレイヤーとして今のストリートファイター6についてどう思いますか? システムについての変化希望などもあったら是非教て下さい。

ときど: 僕はゲームシステムについては個人的な意見は少なく、メーカーさんに出されたものをただプレイするようにしようとしています。



魔人天津飯: 俺はストリートファイター4時代から格闘ゲームを熱心に注目した人として「ときどイコール豪鬼」という印象が強いです。 ですが、ストリートファイター6には豪鬼参戦してからもときどさんはケンを使い続いていますね。 豪鬼よりケンの方が使いたい理由を聞かせて下さい。

ときど: 一言で答えるならば、ケンの方が存在感が出せると思っているのでケンを使い続けています。



こちらで語っておりますので、よろしくお願いします」( ・´ー・`)

魔人天津飯: 最近のストリートファイター6の大会の上位結果にも豪鬼とベガが山程いて少なくとも海外ではその二人が特に話題になりました。 ときどさんは今バージョンのキャラクターバランスについてどう思いますか? 強過ぎるかそれとも弱過ぎると思うキャラクターはありますか?

ときど: 強いキャラ弱いキャラいると思いますが、大会が2先だったら結構いろんなキャラにチャンスあるんじゃないの?と思っています。これがトーナメントが3先以上のフォーマットに代わるのであれば、よりパワーの高いキャラを使うことを考えないといけなくなりますね。


