Fighting game legend shares clip of his baby daughter helping him train in Street Fighter and it’s absolutely adorable

Fighting game legend shares clip of his baby daughter helping him train in Street Fighter and it's absolutely adorable

Some of us have been playing fighting games for a very long time… I have been around long enough to see Justin Wong go from North America’s strongest competitor and our main hope against the incredible talent that Japan had to offer, to being one of the top content creators in the fighting game community and a father.

If you aren’t familiar with JWong, he is one of the great fighting game legends who continues to have a strong presence here within our community. In a recent clip he posted on Twitter, Justin shared a heartwarming and adorable moment where his daughter sat in to help her dad practice and train up for a situation in Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting.

In the footage, we see Justin labbing a scenario where he’s trying to whiff punish Ken’s crouching medium kick with Zangief’s Spinning Pile Driver command throw. We see that he’s trying to find the exact range where this punish might work, which requires inching as close to the out-stretched limb as possible.

Justin’s daughter Harper’s role in all of this is to maneuver Ken and continue hitting the crouching normal so that her father can try and whiff punish it. She clearly understands the assignment here and does an excellent job maintaining the active presses of the crouching normal.

“I asked Harper to help me lab but seems like I was teaching her footsies,” Justin Wong wrote about the clip. What’s even more adorable is that, while definitely supportive, you can hear Harper getting frustrated that her dad didn’t land the punish at all despite her hitting the normal for almost a minute straight.

Throughout the clip, we don’t actually see Justin’s daughter as she is off screen focusing on her important task. However, the whole interaction is simply heartwarming and beautiful not only due to us seeing a proud father getting his daughter involved in fighting games early, but also to see just how far our friend Justin Wong has come over the years.
