Fighting game femme fatales hit the beach, dress for Halloween, and more in Yagi’s gorgeous fan art

Fighting game femme fatales hit the beach, dress for Halloween, and more in Yagi's gorgeous fan art

We like to share artwork from talented fighting game community members here on EventHubs and today’s artist, Yagi2105, takes us on a beautiful journey to the beach and beyond.

Yagi is a skilled illustrator from Japan who’s drawn some of our favorite fighting game ladies from Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and even an appearance from Samurai Shodown.

The majority of the images in our gallery feature fighters out on the beach as Street Fighter’s Crimson Viper, Rainbow Mika, Karin Kanzuki, Juri Han, and Poison all slip into swimwear.

Each of these outfits we see are lifted directly from Street Fighter 5 as said game had a few rounds of summer or swimsuit alternate costumes, but one character (C. Viper) has an original bathing suit as she’s not been brought back for a playable appearance since her debut back in Street Fighter 4.

Leona Heidern and Morrigan Aensland (of King of Fighters and Darkstalkers fame, respectively) join their peers out in the sand and surf in two of the gallery’s more revealing costumes.

There are also some familiar faces in Halloween attire as KOF’s Shermie and Angel appear show off their sexy mummy and sexy bat costumes. There are a few others who retain their traditional threads, and we’d love to hear your thoughts on Yagi’s work in the comments after you take a look here:

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