FEDERALISM: The Loss of LG Autonomy & the Limits of Political Accountability in C' River -By Obasesam Okoi

FEDERALISM: The Loss of LG Autonomy & the Limits of Political Accountability in C' River -By Obasesam Okoi

Obasesam Okoi|4 February 2016|5:05am

I have observed with dismay the apathy of civil society actors in the face of wanton corruption. We have failed to express legitimate discontent against the abuse of local government allocation by state governors.

I was told reliably (though am yet to verify the facts) that the monthly allocation for Yakurr Local Government is 100 million Naira, subject to 1.2 billion a year. But I doubt how much the chairman takes home. If he does, he's under pressure by those who imposed him. He has to distribute the pie.

Can we legitimately hold Local Government Chairmen accountable for public expenditure given that they don't control their allocation? Is it time we come together and begin the movement for local government autonomy so that governors don't steal local government funds while the supposed beneficiaries are suffering?

We will never allow the governor to come to Yakurr and impose development projects on us based on his personal vision without involving us in decisions about our development. This is important because we have no knowledge what the governor is doing with our allocation.

The 2001 event in Yakurr was the political trigger for the loss of local government autonomy in Nigeria, making the governors more powerful. Can the Yakurr civil society once again lead the movement to reclaim local government autonomy in Cross River?
The last time I was invited by the former Chairman of Yakurr, I was perplexed how a man could erect such a big mansion with public funds without anyone rising up to challenge him. He saw that my countenance changed at the sight of his mansion and immediately he started telling me how he saved up 50 million Naira before contesting election as Chairman.

I blame the civil society because we allow corrupt leaders to use public funds to erect private mansions in the midst of poverty.

Obasesam Okoi
Is a Public Affairs Analyst-cum-Social Commentator