Federal Investigation May Be Underway After Multiple Reports of Election Fraud

Here we go again with the “voter fraud” that Americans have been told almost never, ever, ever happens in America.

But NBC10 Boston has obtained video footage from a man’s residence via Ring camera that seemingly shows a woman removing ballots from his mailbox. Officials are now investigating another case of potential voter fraud in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

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Last week on Election Day, the man, who declined to be identified, went to cast his ballot in person and was informed that, according to the list, he had already done so.

Consequently, he reviewed the footage from his camera before calling the police.

Currently under investigation are any claims of possible voter misconduct by the Essex County District Attorney’s Office and Secretary of State William Galvin.

“We’re going to get all the ballots out of Lawrence, we’re going to get all the mail-in ballots and we’re going to review everything and all the provisionals and reconcile the list, and if further investigation contacting some of the people who allegedly voted by mail needs to be done, we will do it,” Galvin said.

As of Tuesday afternoon, two incidents involving stolen ballots or possible voter fraud had been reported in Lawrence. There is an investigation going on at both the state and local level.

“There may be more. It’s premature to say how many,” Galvin said.

“We’re going to get all the ballots out of Lawrence,” he also said. “We’re going to get all the mail-in ballots, and we’re going to review everything and all the provisionals and reconcile the lists. In a further investigation contacting some of the people who allegedly voted by mail needs to be done. We will do it.”

The second report filed was from a Lawrence woman who’s still waiting for elections officials to decide whether her in-person vote will count, or the mail-in, where she says her signature was forged.

NBC10 reported that if that mail was stolen out of those mailboxes, that’s a federal offense, and there could also be a federal investigation on the way live in Boston.

No word on if the voters were for Republican or Democratic candidates.
