The General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries (MFM), Dr. Daniel Olukoya has warned men that not marrying a woman they disvirgined can lead to serious consequences.
While preaching in his church, Odukoya said men who deflowered women, form a covenant with them and that this can lead to a lifetime of spiritual bondage.
Olukoya warned that this covenant can also transfer demonic influences to future partners, causing havoc in their lives.
“If you’re a man and you have disvirgined somebody or more than one lady. Don’t be surprised if your life is upside down. Because when you disvirgin a woman, you wet your male organ with the blood from that woman. So you have formed a covenant with that woman. So to now say you did not marry the person is a serious problem you have caused for yourself. It will go from generation to generation unless you break it. If the girl you disvirgin is now demonic, then you have formed a covenant with a girl and with a demon. And when you move over to another woman, the extra luggage you collected from that demonic girl, you transfer it to another girl that has no demon, that one too will collect”.
Source: Linda Ikeji