HomeFact CheckFact Check: Viral image – No, UPenn rally did not call for ‘Jewish genocide’ Fact Check: Viral image – No, UPenn rally did not call for ‘Jewish genocide’ October 25, 2023 Fact Check Video shows University of Pennsylvania students chanting, “We want Jewish genocide.” Source WhatsApp Share Tweet Reddit Telegram Pocket Share Pin it Related Posts Fact Check: Trump New York trial: Do statements by other Republicans violate gag order? Fact Check: That photo of a mail truck in a cemetery? It’s an ode to past relationships, not about dead voters Fact Check: Sorry, no ‘free money’: Biden did not approve a $5,200 subsidy for Americans older than 25 Tags:General News, United States
Fact Check: That photo of a mail truck in a cemetery? It’s an ode to past relationships, not about dead voters
Fact Check: Sorry, no ‘free money’: Biden did not approve a $5,200 subsidy for Americans older than 25