Fact : 10 Sermons Most Young Ladies Hate

Fact : 10 Sermons Most Young Ladies Hate

I have been to various Youths & Singles Programme in churches and
I noticed there are some sermons that will register discomfort and E no con-sign me on the faces of the ladies grin

Take A Glass Of Yobo Drink & Relax cool

10 Sermons Most Young Ladies Will Likely Turn Deaf Ears To

1. Do Not Have A Boyfriend
!!! This is a tough sermon oooo. I remembered vividly when we held
Youths & Singles Programme in my fellowship & the ladies were
advised not to have to boyfriend not until they are of marriageable age.
You just need to see the way the ladies were looking as if they should
grab the pastor and tear him to pieces

2. Don’t Allow A Guy You Are Dating Hug You
Haaaaaa I bet many young ladies will not like to hear this.. The pastor says NO form of hugging is allowed because
her bosoms has activating
power that could activate thoughts of a average dude… Funny right ?

3. Direct Your Toaster(s) To Your Pastor
many churches demand a lady directs her toaster(s) to the pastor for
assessment, that is, when a brother in the church approaches her, she
dare not show green light, kindly direct him to your pastor for
assessment. * ehhhnnn dis one use style hard oooo grin
.. I guess every lady will only be willing to inform her pastor when
everything is set but advising her to direct her toaster(s) to her
pastors is a NO NO for many young ladies

4. Do Not Visit Any Guy You Are Not Married To
have also attended a Programme when the host (pastor) condemned the act
of a lady visiting her fiance. He urged them to meet him in the church,
eatery, or when a third party will be present, else they should not go
at all

5. Take A Friend Along With Going To His House
sounds like the ladies are being protected from having sex with their
lovers. Some pastor preaches against going on a visit when he’s alone at
home because he believes it should be the best measures taken to curb
sex before marriage. This is most likely to go through the left ear
& pass through the right ear of our ladies grin

6. Do Not Open Your Legs For Him
sex is what some ladies use to tie their men down, it will pass through
the left eat and go out of the right ear the moment a pastor threatens
them to stop the act

7. Do Not Wear Ear Rings
ladies in churches will change their facial expression when a pastor
condemns the use of earringa at the expense of salvation. It takes a
personal decision to do away with earrings & jewelry. Therefore,
preaching against it will not enter the head of our ladies grin

8. Do Not Wear Trousers
has been a serious debate for a long time. So many ladies don’t believe
wearing of trousers is a sin because there no Bible verse describing
how a man or a woman’s garment looks like

9. Any Attachment To Your Body Is A Sin
!!! No weavon, no make-up, no lipstick gloss.. 90% of Nigerian ladies
will turn deaf ear to such a sermon when they know that is what ignite
their beauty grin

10. Don’t Not Consider Dating A Man Who Is Not Born Again
Let’s not deceive ourselves. What is the percentage of men who are genuinely born again ?
will most likely turn deaf ears because they know it won’t be easy
& it might take them eternity searching born again dudes