Extortion in C' River State Mobile Courts: I Bet my Car to Curb the Injustices

Extortion in C' River State Mobile Courts: I Bet my Car to Curb the Injustices

Joseph Odok|25 October 2016

Cross River State is increasingly becoming a home were hawks feed on it's citizenry

On Thursday I was driving to NNPC filling station at Mary Slassor Road when I was stopped by men of the road safety commission. They demanded for my vehicle particulars and I made them available to them. They asked for my driver's license and I showed them a police extract and a corresponding affidavit. I was then charged to mobile court.

In my argument before the court I pleaded not guilty because a police extract and a corresponding affidavit exonerates one of driver's license offense. Be that as it may I was charged #16,000 above the amount for driver's license offence. This in spite of possessing a police extract and affidavit

The court was truly wishing to let me go without a charge but conscience could not let me go without pointing out my dissatisfaction because of continued extortion of my people through mobile courts.

Cross River State mobile courts is chaired by Prof Ivara Esu, the deputy governor of Cross River State. The magistrates that preside over the mobile courts are appointed and paid by Cross river state government. He who plays the piper is dictating the tune.

The Act that creates Federal Road Safety mandates them to operate only in federal high way. Carrying out checks in state road is a gross violation. In this case operating in Mary Slassor is an act of illegality

The Road Safety officials have a chart for road safety offenses, charging more than provided by law is corruption.

I am not shouting today because it concerns me, but had stood by my people against the extortion of my people through mobile courts

It is time to test the law, if I win I will go home with damages and make an impact in my activism. If I loss I pay my fine.

Activism is not fun but sacrifice.

Below is a schedule for offences and punishment for road tragic offences. Cross River State mobile courts have always breached this to feed the greed of the government.

Joseph Odok
Social Change Agent