Evo 2023 finalist gets heat as he shares new Guilty Gear Strive season 3 tier list

Evo 2023 finalist gets heat as he shares new Guilty Gear Strive season 3 tier list

With first place finishes at countless weeklies, a handful of high profile majors, and a silver medal run at Evo 2023, ONi|NBNHMR is one of the best Guilty Gear Strive players around these days.

The game is a little over a month into its third season of competitive play, which means updated tier lists are popping up as players scramble to figure out which characters fare the best after the late August patch. NBNHMR recently rolled out his ordered tier list via live stream, and noted that this was “probably the most I’ve ever been flamed for a tier list on stream,” while sharing the end result on social media.

One of the first questions to ask is how Strive’s newest DLC character, Johnny, performs relative to his fellow roster mates. According to NBNHMR, Johnny doesn’t do all that well as he places just outside of the bottom five.

The competitive player organizes Strive’s 25 fighters across four different tiers including S, A, B, and C. There’s only one character, however, in that fourth and final tier category, and that’s the commonly cosplayed Testament.

Strive had some major gameplay alterations in the latest patch as the all important Burst Gauge mechanic was very much altered and added to.

What’s more, the Deflect Shield mechanic presents new ways for players to go about defending, and so the potential for certain fighters to move significantly in terms of tier rankings is definitely there.

There are eight characters in each of the other tier categories, NBNHMR’s main, Nagoriyuki, placing just below S tier at ninth overall. This was surely one of the more contested placements as Nagoriyuki has been tearing through Strive for some time now with his immensely high risk and reward design.

You can see the full list simply by clicking the thumbnail here. As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on what you think of NBNHMR’s placings in the comments.

Do you disagree with him as much as his stream did, or do you think he’s got a strong understanding of where the game is currently at?

NBNHMR S3 Tier List image #1

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