The Tekken series is well known for its ridiculously over-the-top narrative. In particular, the ongoing feud involving the Mishima bloodline has served as the story’s main focal point since the first entry.
It’s not an uncommon thing someone of the Mishima bloodline to throw a family member off a cliff as a canonical event within the Tekken series. It really is no wonder why Kazuya was shown to be throwing off other fighters off a cliff with his debut Super Smash Bros. Ultimate trailer.
Needless to say, Real KeV3n has recently uploaded a video that showcases every time this sort of event has happen up through Tekken 8.
The first time we saw this happen was with Kazuya’s ending in the original Tekken. Kazuya ended up dropping his father off a cliff, which served as the canonical ending to that game.
It turns out that Kazuya was merely taking revenge for the time that Heihachi dropped him off a cliff when he was just a child. We actually had the opportunity to see this scene fully play out in Tekken 7.
Things only get more ridiculous from there as there was even an attempt to travel back in time to stop that event from happening for the purpose of creating a brighter future in the world of Tekken. Of course, things didn’t work out so well with that attempt.
Check it all out in the video below: