Even MDZ Jimmy himself was surprised at how well this instant overhead worked out for him during this Street Fighter 6 round

Even MDZ Jimmy himself was surprised at how well this instant overhead worked out for him during this Street Fighter 6 round

Marisa’s level 1 super art, Javelin of Marisa, is unique in Street Fighter 6 in that it’s capable of dishing out more damage if its counter properties are triggered. It’s definitely something to be wary of when Marisa is on her last legs.

Needless to say, MDZ Jimmy recently posted an amusing clip that had him going against a Master ranked Marisa player. Based on MDZ Jimmy’s reaction, he wasn’t expecting Marisa’s level 1 super art in the situation that it was used in, but things ended up working out for MDZ Jimmy anyhow.

With just a sliver of life remaining against basically a full stock of health for Ryu, Marisa was in a tricky situation being backed into a corner. Luckily for DJ_Sonnyb, he just gained enough meter for a super art 1.

To finish the round, MDZ Jimmy was hoping to win with an instant overhead. Essentially, he’d use a quick jumping attack while jumping backwards. However, DJ_Sonnyb used super art 1 instead of blocking.

This ended up triggering Javelin of Marisa’s counter frames, causing Marisa to perform an uppercut while advancing forward. She ended up just barely missing Ryu as he went airborne.

Funnily enough, even MDZ Jimmy seemed surprised at this interaction. Check it all out below:
