Ermac’s Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1 might be even more gruesome and more awesome than his actual Fatalities

Ermac's Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1 might be even more gruesome and more awesome than his actual Fatalities

Mortal Kombat 1’s latest DLC character, Ermac, is currently available in-game via early access. We’ve seen quite a bit of what the returning red ninja can do in battle, and as fans spend more time with him in the lab, more and more is coming to light.

In Mortal Kombat 1, each main roster fighter has two set Fatalities that they can use to end a match, but in addition to these finishers each contender also has several Brutalities whose inputs are often hidden and require unlocking and/or figuring out. The great TQT has uploaded footage of several of Ermac’s Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1, and after seeing them, it honestly might be the case that these non-cinematic finishers are even more gruesome (and more awesome) than his full-fledged Fatalities.

Earlier this week, we saw one Ermac Brutality that fans quickly realized was a throwback to one of his classic Fatalities from over 28 years ago. The Brutalities shared by TQT, however, are all different than the aforementioned one.

The first Brutality we see is one that features Ermac using a bit of sorcery to shrink his opponent down to tiny size. This finisher is called “We Win,” and with it Ermac shrinks his foe then ruthlessly squashes them like a bug with his foot.

This next Brutality is called “Soul Escape” and sees Ermac fall to his knees and unleash a barrage of souls that blows the opponent apart and releases their soul up into the atmosphere. The one that follows, though, really ramps up the intensity and the gore.

“Separate Ways” is a Brutality that has Ermac lift his opponent up into the air with his telekinesis and slowly pull their legs apart until they brutally rip in half. The rip is slow and clearly excruciating, and when all is said and done Ermac is left covered in a coat of blood.

And finally, we have “Twisted Up.” Just like the name promises, Ermac uses his telekinesis to, well… twist his opponent’s body into horrible positions that shatter bones leaving them a pile of flesh and bone shards.

Ermac is available in Mortal Kombat 1 right now via early access. He will become available to purchase for everyone on April 23.
