Emperor Manuel, Prince Andrei Bogolubsky, and the Power of the Holy Cross

Emperor Manuel, Prince Andrei Bogolubsky, and the Power of the Holy Cross     

The first day of August, my friends, is dedicated to the remembrance of the Emperor Manuel, Prince Andrei Bogolubsky, and the Power of the Holy CrossProcession of the Honorable Wood of the Cross

“>procession of the honorable wood of the Lord’s Cross. This feast day was established in the twelfth century, to mark Grand Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky’s miraculous victory over the Bulgars1 who lived along the Volga River. The prince always kept in his military formations an icon of the Mother of God and the Holy Cross. In matters of war, the pious prince placed his trust mainly in God’s help rather than in his own weaponry. Before the battle, according to his cherished custom the prince prayed fervently before the icon of the Mother of God and the Holy Cross, and following his example, all his soldiers prayed on bended knee, then having kissed the icon and the Cross, all fearlessly went out against the enemies.

After such preparation, having achieved victory on August 1 over the enemy, Prince Bogoliubsky returned to his base, where he was vouchsafed to behold a miraculous sign of God’s help: Bright rays emanated from the icon of the Mother of God and covered the entire army with her light. This vision gave the Russian forces even more inspiration, and they again went forth again against the enemies, completely routing them.

As it turns out, the Greek Emperor Manuel, who was battling the Persians, on that same day, August 1, beheld a similar sign from the icon of the Mother of God and the Holy Cross and was also victorious over his enemies. In remembrance of this glorious divine visitation, these two royal military leaders mutually agreed to establish a feast on that day, which feast was then named the “Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Lord’s Cross,” from the going forth by royal military leaders with the Holy Cross into battle against their enemies. They commanded that on this day, the Holy Cross be carried out of the altar and placed in the center of the church for Christians to venerate and process with it to springs, rivers, lakes, and wells for the blessing of the water.

Friends! The Holy Church in its sacred hymns, glorifying the Cross of Christ, prays herewith to the Lord to save people and grant victory to our Monarch over enemies through the power of the Holy Cross of the Lord. Orthodox Russian tsars were always victorious through the power of the Holy Cross of the Lord over enemies of Christianity, to protect the kingdoms entrusted to them. Let us also pray fervently now, hearkening to the prayers of the Holy Church, that the power of the Holy Cross of the Lord also protect the precious life of our Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, and may it strengthen him in his great and difficult Royal service and grant him victory over enemies both within and outside our fatherland.

O Cross of the Lord! Direct us all on the path of salvation, establish peace and calm on our land, that we might live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honor.

Save O Lord Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance.

August 1, 1914
