Emergency Street Fighter 6 server maintenance happening tonight to revert game-breaking Perfect Parry bug

Emergency Street Fighter 6 server maintenance happening tonight to revert game-breaking Perfect Parry bug

At the start of this week, Capcom released the latest balance update for Street Fighter 6 that introduced changes for every character on the roster. In addition to these tweaks, there were also general system changes made to various aspects of the game, including a change for what can be done after a Perfect Parry happens in certain situations.

Unfortunately, this change to Perfect Parries also appeared to introduce an unintentional, game-breaking bug that removed the ability to buffer attacks when waking up after being knocked down following a Perfect Parry. Capcom mentioned previously that they would be reverting this change to fix the issue soon, and just moments ago they announced that an emergency bout of server maintenance will be taking place tonight to rollback that specific change.

“[Notice] #StreetFighter6 server maintenance will take place at the time below,” Capcom’s tweet began. “This is a short maintenance that’s expected to finish within an hour and will fix a bug that prevents the buffer input from working on the player’s wake-up when they are knocked down after a Perfect Parry.”

This server maintenance period is scheduled to go live tonight, December 6, at 9 p.m. PST / December 7 at 5 a.m. GMT. As Capcom noted, this should be a short maintenance that is only expected to last an hour or so.

The original change that caused this bug in the first place was one made to what the player is able to do if a multi-hitting attack of theirs is perfect parried. Before this latest balance update, it was possible for a player to toss out an attack that hits multiple times, have the first hit perfect parried, and then still cancel that special move into a level 3 super and counter attack.

A good example of this would be A.K.I.’s Cruel Fate (her arcing, leaping into the air stabbing attack). Before the update, A.K.I. could perform this attack, have the first hit of it perfect parried by the opponent, and she could still cancel into level 3 super upon landing which could punish the opponent’s punish attempt.

The ability to make that cancel was removed in the latest update, but along with this, the unintentional bug manifested in seeing the buffer window on wake up being removed when getting up from a knock down that follows a Perfect Parry.

It’s good to see that Capcom is reverting that specific change back to get rid of the bug as two of the Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior Finals were already postponed because of it, and more of these events are coming up very shortly after that and would have likely had to be postponed as well.
