Nelson A.Osuala [24 February 2016] 06:22pm
When at first this information came to our news desk.. I was particularly fascinated and was left spell bound.
My first reaction was .. Could this be true? And can this happen in a Nigerian University?
Before you call me another 'Doubting Thomas'. Let me shed a little light why I was skeptical of the story.
It is premised upon the bitter truth that most Nigerian university lecturers as we know them, are rather sadists who will stop at nothing but to victimise their students while ensuring that they turn out as failures in class, the list abound.
An instance where a lecturer would tell his students in class that however they read or write, they would not get a credit grade not to say less a Beta or Alpha grade. It happened in University of Calabar, Physics Department to be specific.
We have the facts and as Negroidhaven is known for Unadulterated truth, we say it ad it is.. “Calling a spade, a spade period!
The resultant effect of such assertion by such “Satanic emissary of a Lecturer” is a poison that discourages the innocent hard work, intelligence and scholarship of students.Little wonder why we have cases of sorting of lecturers either in cash or kind.
Without much ado, I was taken aback a little when I learnt that University of Lagos, Akoka produced a First class graduate with a 5.0 CGPA.
In as much as Congratulate the Dude who blazed the trail, I also wish that other Universities and lecturers would turn over a new leaf and start encouraging their students academic performance rewarding them for the grades they deserve.
The celebrant, Daniel Dada Ayodele, a graduate of Psychology, who blazed the trail with a 5.0 cumulative Grade Point Average will no doubt be the best graduating student at Unilag's 2014/2015 Convocation ceremony which holds next week.
He has by default (automatically) become the first student in the school to graduate with a record 5.0 CGPA on a 5 point scale.
This means that he had Alpha grades in all his semester exams through out school. What a genius!
The University's Vice Chancellor, Prof Rahamon Bello also corroborated the story above when he informed at a pre-convocation media briefing held today, February 24th.
In his words:
“This is indeed a perfect score. This means he scored As in all courses he took in the programme. I congratulate the graduate with a First Class”.
Negroidhaven felicitates with the young Champ. This is another prove that Nigerians are giants and we have a great Nation.
Nelson A. Osuala is an Associate Editor in Negroidhaven.