Ed to be playable early at Capcom Cup X for a few select days

Ed to be playable early at Capcom Cup X for a few select days

Although fans recently got to see Ed in action for Street Fighter 6 in his gameplay reveal trailer, it seems some will get their hands on him very soon.

Capcom revealed today that SF6’s next DLC character will indeed be playable at Capcom Cup X for a few select days.

According to their post, Ed will be available to try out at the main venue starting Wednesday, February 21, through Friday, February 23 from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. PT each day.

Those looking to take the boxer for a spin will need to be a qualified player or have purchased a Capcom Cup ticket in advance to attend the big event.

Depending on how strict Capcom is going to be about recording footage there, we could very likely start seeing clips of Ed in action start popping up online around that time too.

We already know a bit about how he’s going to play thanks to the trailer and additional information released confirming his new motion controls, but there’s still quite a bit that remains to be seen about the fighter.

This comes just a day, however, after the company released a statement letting fans know they should not expect any major Street Fighter 6 announcements at Capcom Cup this year, so we can pretty much cross Akuma off of the guest list.

For everyone else who won’t be at Capcom Cup, Ed will release on February 27 likely around midnight or the early morning hours though a specific update time has not been revealed yet.

Capcom Cup itself will begin this Friday, February 16, with the first three days dedicated to the Last Chance Qualifier tournament followed by three days of the group stage featuring the final 48 competitors.

The Street Fighter League World Championship will then take place on Saturday, February 24, and the Capcom Cup top 16 finals is set to go down Sunday, February 25, to see gets that big $1 million grand prize.
