Ed, new stage, balance adjustments and more content now available in Street Fighter 6

Ed, new stage, balance adjustments and more content now available in Street Fighter 6

The long wait of almost five months is finally over since A.K.I.’s release with arguably Street Fighter 6’s largest update to date dropping today.

Ed is now available as SF6’s third DLC character alongside new content and changes made to the popular fighting game.

Ed is available for 350 Fighter Coins, which equates to around $7, and like the previous DLC characters, his Outfit 2 with all colors can be picked up for 50 Fighter Coins ($1) or through World Tour progression after meeting him as a master. If you want all of his base colors, that’s 360 FC or 7,200 Drive Tickets.

They also added his Cute challenger character screen options for Ed and everyone else for 100 FC ($2) or 2,000 Drive Tickets.

SF6 added the first new stage since release with the Ruined Lab that’s included with the Year 1 Ultimate Pass.

Those looking to pick it up separately can do so in the shop for 250 FC ($5) or 5,000 Drive Tickets.

On top of that, a slew of new balance changes were made in the update to address some of the high and low tiers of the game, which you can read up on in the full patch notes.

A handful of nice new quality of life features were also added in this patch, which you can also read up more about in the notes.

Capcom released a new trailer going some of what’s included in the update, which you can check out below.

Stay tuned to EventHubs for our full review on Ed boy coming very soon.
