The Street Fighter 6 community excited patience for Ed, the game’s next DLC character, pays off today as Capcom is set to release his official gameplay trailer at 3 p.m. Pacific Time.
In addition to bringing the roster count up to 21 the Psycho Power pugilist will likely be bringing a new style of fighting to the arena as his boxing-based approach isn’t much represented by the currently available characters. Continue on to see the new fighter in action.
Ed was first introduced as a playable character back in Season 2 of Street Fighter 5, and was specifically designed to gel with newer players as he boasted simplified inputs not unlike those we see in Street Fighter 6’s Modern Controls scheme.
This naturally leads us to one of our first questions to be answered today: how will developers differentiate Ed’s Classic and Modern Control styles?
We did get to see Ed in action just a few weeks back when his teaser trailer dropped in mid January. This showcase offered us roughly a minute of Ed’s character model thwarting Mad Gear baddies on a subway train.
This did reveal that a handful of Ed’s trademark moves are returning with him, such as his Psycho Snatcher and fancy footwork sways.
As any veteran player will tell you, however, those considering forking over extra cash to play as Ed will want to see how these moves work within the context of an actual round.
While we’ll likely still have to wait for frame data particulars, today’s showcase should give us a substantial idea of what all Ed is bringing to Street Fighter 6. Check out the full trailer below and share your thoughts in the comments afterwards.
An added surprise to this trailer is the fact that our very first new SF6 stage is en route. This new fighting arena is called Ruined Lab and is made up of the remains of the Shadaloo base from the A Shadow Falls story of Street Fighter 5.
Many familiar items are strewn about the place, perhaps most notably the hat of M. Bison that sits ominously on a chair in the center of the stage.
Ed will be available on February 27 following the proceedings of Capcom Cup. Players can access the new fighter via the Year 1 Character Pass or purchased separately for 350 Fighter Coins, which equates to around $7 USD.