Back in February, the Evo 2024 lineup was revealed to us. The games that will be playable this year are Street Fighter 6, Tekken 8, Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, Under Night In-Birth 2 Sys:Celes, Mortal Kombat 1, Guilty Gear Strive, King of Fighters 15, and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike.
As tradition would have it, the Evo staff have already begun unveiling which games are proving to be the most popular in terms of those registered so far. No official numbers have been dropped as of yet, but we do see which games will likely have the most competition this year.
Street Fighter 6 currently sits at the top of the list. This isn’t too surprising as it’s typically a Capcom fighting game that has held this spot at Evo, though this hasn’t always been the case.
Tekken 8 is the game that has the second highest numbered of early bird registered players. Out of all the titles on the list, Tekken 8 is the newest one as it was only released earlier this year.
It can be argued that Mortal Kombat 1 is underperforming expectations considering that it resides at seventh out of eight on the list, just above King of Fighters 15. Regardless, we can probably expect some exciting reveals for all the AAA fighting games at the main event this year.
Check out the early bird registration Evo 2024 leaderboard below:
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