Dynamic character popularity video shows how usage has evolved over Street Fighter 6’s first 9 months

Dynamic character popularity video shows how usage has evolved over Street Fighter 6's first 9 months

We’ve been following Miss Aliette Faye on X thanks to the awesome character statistics she’s been posting for fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, and we’re excited to share that she’s gone upped her game to the next level.

Regular old image graphs are so two thousand and late, but new dynamic video graphs are all the rage. That’s exactly what Aliette has in store for us as she shows us how Street Fighter 6 popularity stats have evolved (generally as well as in Master rank) over the last nine months.

Our first post here looks at the overall character usage rates as they played out over the last three fourths of a year. Ken Drive Rushes his way out of the gate in a somewhat hilarious initial sprint and, spoilers, he never loses his lead. In fact, it never comes close.

Cammy, Ryu, and Juri clearly have some strong momentum as fan favorite characters for the first few months after release, and while Luke has a fairly mediocre start, he does climb up to being in second place just before month eight.

JP (argued to be better than both Ken and Luke by many) never really gets above the half way mark. This might be attributed to his difficulty in use, at least once you reach intermediate and higher levels of play.

Overall stats can differ quite notably from Master rank stats, of course, and this next chart highlights only the latter.

Ken’s story is all but the exact same as he rifles out of the gate and never gets much competition for first place, but here in Master ranks it’s JP that holds a firm grip on second place, at least for the initial months.

The old zoner sees a steady decline over the course of the game’s life thus far, slowly but surely falling all the way down to eighth place amongst the top ranked players online:

There’s a lot more than just top tier behavior to garner from these wonderful dynamic charts, however, and we’d love to hear what trends and movements you thought were most interesting in the comments below.
