Dudley’s missed the past 2 games but this ridiculously impressive mod shows what could have been for the boxer in Street Fighter 5

Dudley's missed the past 2 games but this ridiculously impressive mod shows what could have been for the boxer in Street Fighter 5

Despite being one of the more highly requested characters from the Street Fighter 3 era, Dudley has been missing in action throughout Street Fighter 5 and Street Fighter 6 (so far) wit no real hint at his return yet.

That’s where the talented Ryuski and Killbox stepped in to show off what the boxer could look like in a more modern title by dropping a trailer for Dudley in Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition as a ridiculously impressive mod with his own moveset and mechanics.

Unsurprisingly, the modders appear to have largely based this Dudley on his Street Fighter 4 incarnation, so you’re going to see some very familiar punches and special moves like Machinegun Blow, uppercut and a lot more.

Since this is SF5, however, it means he has his own character mechanics with the V-System as well with some other moves from the past plus some stuff that looks brand new.

Dudley’s V-Skill 1 is shown to be his Cross Counter that appears to have multiple levels for how many dash punches he’ll perform in retaliation.

V-Skill 2 is his Duck move to avoid fireballs and unlock more flashy combo routes to boot.

The modders even show off how they’ve given him a working V-Shift too.

As for his V-Trigger 1, Fists With Tornado appears to give the boxer an enhanced uppercut that hits many more times though we’re not sure if it does anything else for him.

Dudley’s fan-made Spirit of Fox gives him a special cancel ability that also apparently has a guard point on the startup and can potentially lead into more moves.

They even seem to have given him two of his classic Supers as Critical Arts as well with Corkscrew Blow and Rolling Thunder though since this is a mod, there is still some visual jank present in the camera and animations (at least in the trailer).

It looks like the pair are planning to release this Dudley mod to the public, as the end of the video claims he’ll be dropping next week.

You can check out a new incarnation of Dudley below (even if it is fan made) to get a glimpse at what the famous boxer could potentially look like should he hopefully make a return to the playable roster in Street Fighter 6 at some point as DLC.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a cool Dudley mod recently either with the gentleman boxer also being added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate too.
