Drug Abuse Blamed for Rising Mental Disorders By Alawa John

Drug Abuse Blamed for Rising Mental Disorders By Alawa John

The abuse of drugs especially amongst the youth is responsible for the rising cases of mental health challenges in Abuja suburbs, a psychiatrist, Dr. Osuhor Dike has said.
She stated this during the mental health clinic organized by a non-governmental organization, Gede Foundation in Mpape, Abuja.

“That is why there is increased number of young people with mental health disorders. One in every 10 young person you see in the suburbs is abusing drug substances like codeine, marijuana, cough syrups, pain-killers, anti-depressants and other drugs which should not be bought over the counter,” Osuhor said.

During the evaluation at the community’s health centres, schizrophenics, epileptics people suffering from bi-polar disorder, depression and anxiety disorder were attended to by psychiatrists.

The Foundation’s media officer, Sunzika Thole, said that the aim of the mental health clinic was beyond providing drugs and care.

“We want to inform these people that they can earn some form of livelihood, despite their state,” Thole said.

The project coordinator, Kizito Ebhohimien, called on people suffering from mental challenges to approach the psychiatric departments of hospitals, instead of believing that they are possessed by demons as they are made to believe.

Alawa John is a B. MLS holder in Medical Laboratory Science, University of Calabar