DON MOEN: 'Don't Call me Lucky…' Popular Celebrity Cautions -By Efio-Ita Nyok

DON MOEN: 'Don't Call me Lucky...' Popular Celebrity Cautions -By Efio-Ita Nyok

Efio-Ita Nyok|4 February 2016|5:00am

Don Moen, America's popular praise and worship leader, yesterday 3 February 2016 took to his social media (Facebook) account to say that he shouldn't be labeled 'lucky' but 'blessed'.

In his exact words, 'Don't Call me lucky. Call me Blessed!'. In fact, the word 'Blessed' was emboldened for emphasis.

It's an obvious fact that Singer Moen is globally renowned and many around the world have been blessed by his singing ministry including the present author; accordingly, one may be compelled to think that Moen's success is purely a function of hard work, commitment, vision, consistency, etc. Albeit, the singer is drawing the attention of his numerous fans to the fact that his fame and success is a product of divine intervention. For Moen, God must certainly have a hand in his success.

This statement is reminiscent of humility and modesty. His words encourage us to always give God the praise/glory in every thing we accomplish in life. We should not think we are what we are by sheer effort. The Holy Writ of Christians in Psalms reveals that it is God that gives humans 'power to make wealth'.

We are nothing without God!

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven