Thomas Abi Jr|24 September 2015|4:57am
Domestic violence can be defined as a state of battering by spouse, intimidation of partners and family members. Violence is a physical or psychological abuse of an intimate partner. Domestic violence in the Nigeria setting is the physical abuse and sexual molestation at home, intimidation, emotional abuse, threat to life by superior persons.
It is very pertinent to know that domestic violence of all sort has taken over our State and nation especially Cross River. Children are molested, beaten, slapped and exposed to extreme hardship and violence. In most cases they are raped and coerced to indulging into different forms of social vices.
It is not new that in most homes in Cross River State, children are branded witches and as such regarded as outcast. They are made to experience hardship, battering, emotional and psychological trauma as a result of maybe a pastor or a spiritualist branding a child as being a witch or wizard. It is very unfortunate that parents and guidance have fallen to this cheap trick. They have toed the line of spiritualist who brand children witches and abuse their fundamental human rights as children and citizens.
A child who is exposed to such torture by loved ones is bound to make his/her environment unbearable for its inhabitants. This is because, the child does not know what love means. The child has not experienced love and so can not give out love.
Parents and guidance must stop the violation of children's right through domestic violence. Most children have lost their eyes, limbs, hand; as a result of physical assault. It is worthy of note that most of the street children we have today, is as a result of domestic violence by loved ones who do not show children care and affection.
I get really surprised when a mother or father gets to push their kids to serious danger. Children that were birthed by them. It is rather unfortunate to see children treated in harsh conditions. Most times they are beaten with irons, belts, slapped and in the process even blinded.
Domestic violence should be the concern of every well meaning member of the society. It is a violation of the fundamental human rights. It deforms the affected individual both physically and psychologically. It goes as far as reflecting in the life of the individual assaulted and dehumanized.
Domestic violence must be greatly discouraged because, it's victims become social misfit to the society and serious sadist.
Stop domestic violence today!
Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator