DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon

DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon

DOGE: brief suggestion, then 50 more…

DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon

By: Joseph M. Lenard

First, cuz I cannot pass on calling out Leftist #IdentityPolitics idiocy and therefore putting this in their Face – could the “African-American” (real one, actually migrated from Africa) be America’s HOPE (not their Dope and Deranged former POTUS)…. or rather “Master of the DOGE?” LOL For those with functioning Brain-Cells and will understand why it is a great tweak at/to The Left – for real HOPE for not “change” but Restoration (#ROAR, #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic); reversal of Left “Fundamental Transformation” away from our great Nation brilliant Founders course set upon (not Perfect, nothing is, but BEST World has to offer and lifted more into Freedom and out of Poverty than any Nation here-to-fore).

Yep, a brief suggestion (cut/pasted from my social-media posts) and then referring to a very detailed outline of what needs be done over Trump’s 1st year (no, certainly will not see all of it, but If You Do Not Demand (no, NOT ASK) we will never, ever, get – and no you cannot go back to sleep (as discussed already here on TLB elsewhere by not just me, but others) but must keep pressure on DC)…

From social-media with a DOGE suggestion:

I have MANY ISSUES with former #MI #Governor (aka: #goverNERD) #RINO #RickSnyder. HOWEVER, while he did not a damn thing to CURTAIL the #Waste, #Fraud, #Abuse, of #Michigan #Government #SPENDING, he did fulfill his promise of creating open/PUBLIC viewable dashboards, stat presentation, etc., of MORE EASILY VIEWABLE what was going where. Gotta identify and define, to be able make case for cuts or not!!!

That is something of #VALUE should be part of the initial #DOGE process, #TRANSPARENCY to the People (but, of course, all kinds of things are BEYOND #SECRET #BlackOps #Budget items they HIDE all kinds of #MoneyLaundering under and indeed a need to keep SOME OF THAT Secret from our many #USA enemies)! 

So, just stating obvious, the #DeepState will  attempt to HIDE ALL SPENDING under and as such vs our need to get to the Truth of things and where things can, could, should, MUST, be cut – STOP this insane CLOWARD AND PIVEN road to Bankruptcy (The Left wants happen). Yep, continuation, more-or-less, from We The People Demand List movement.

Yes, of course, you will keep hearing CHEVRON DEFERENCE, but long before that SCOTUS Ruled the DeepState Agencies actions above/beyond Congressional Authorization INVALID, ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL (often, even when/where Congress authorized some extra-Constitutional Federal Over-reach meddling), that of course the Ruling Elite firmly/promptly IGNORED and made sure everyone forgot – well – I haven’t forgotten, and YOU need to learn about: SCOTUS Norton v Shelby Case all the authorization and precedence needed to SLASH most, if not entire, Agencies to the Bone.

VIDEO (34m 05s): CTP WeThePeopleDemandList (pt 1) BTS/SP (20241221 S2E79) Video

Also from social-media touting the/my #WTPDL:

“So you Voted?” “SO THE *BLEEP* WHAT?” as the old SNL Church-lady would say “Isn’t that SPECIAL!” LOL [Yes, I mention CHURCH LADY cuz Sat Nov 16 I dropped my TheLibertyBeacon SATURDAY NIGHT* (the movie) discussion piece!!!!]

WTF are you going do next 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, to help #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) that is all but DESTROYED by The Left. Actual REAL ACTIONS; your own efforts, sacrifice, own blood/treasure; not just online WHINING, actions to make real difference? Took decades to get here, will take DECADES (and YOU as part of WE THE PEOPLE (v Those In DC) be continually involved to resolve! Our REVOLUTION was brought about by less than 1% of the Peoples under the Crown at that time.

Remember Contract With America? NOW We the People (post-election) Demand List…

item added (39, of now 50, and continuing to grow)…

39) Elected Officials “where you getting all your money” (and Public Service/Servant Salary) we need some Transparency Act. If any member of the Executive, Legislative, or Judicial, Branches of Govt., and/or any Govt. Employee, earns more than FOUR TIMES their Governmental Salary – THEY MUST ALLOW the IRS to have their Tax Returns visible ONLINE (via IRS website) so WE THE PEOPLE can see how these folks are MAKING ALL THIS SIDE MONEY …

* From NY [not LIVE] it’s Saturday Night [the movie] Also remember TLB WTPDL part 1 and part 2.

OK, let me be THAT GUY and indeed go further at risk of upsetting some. But frankly, MANY NEED HAVE THEIR FRAGILE FEEWINGS UPSET!!!  How many of you read to this point WILL BOTHER to check out the related links above let-alone anything else that follows below?!?!? OMG: Yes, I went there!!! How many will indeed READ the #WeThePeopleDemandList (at 50 items now) Article/Outline – let alone bother from there go to and sign and share the official #WTPDL Petition?!?!? Really?!?!? Seriously?!?!?

Will YOU (not rely on others) SHARE this?!?!? I’ve been writing here some time, used to write for/with RedState, as well as my 5 Internationally available Published books – finding various ways to try reach larger and newer/different audiences including discussions via Podcasts/Radio/TV/whatnot (see my Podcast/Radio/TV Guests List entry – have a Podcast, invite me on talk, know a Podcaster, ask them to ask me on to discuss this or other topics/issues – hate to ask, but as saying goes, many times DO NOT ASK WILL NOT RECEIVE and if you’ve missed one major point here-in is YOU GOTTA DO THINGS not just WHINE, do things try matter!

I am trying do what I can, how I can, from where I can, given my Health-Issues limitations keeping from Traveling about as much as I used to be able to in order engage via Speaking engagements)) to HELP GROW NOTICE of this and other important items CALLING OUT OUR OUT-OF-FUCKING-CONTROL FEDERAL DICTATORIAL OVER-REACHES?!?!? HOW MANY ARE DOING, RATHER THAN JUST CONTINUALLY WHINING ONLINE?!?!?! We “ALL” (yes, even me, that’s why I share my CONTACT LINK: so folks can REACH OUT TO ME) have room to LEARN MORE, this piece itself is of course NOT ALL ENCOMPASSING or would go on for another 5k, 10, 50k, 250k, words! Are you willing to at least help SPREAD THIS (admitted, somewhat limited, and also why I include other related-links for further rabbit-hole digging) INFORMATION?!?!?

No, you do not need to have read No You Can Not Rest parts 1 & 2, but that helps too!!!

VIDEO (34m 05s): CTP WeThePeopleDemandList (pt 1) BTS/SP (20241221 S2E79) Video


VIDEO (47m 33s): CTP WeThePeopleDemandList pt 2 w/ D. Stone BTS/SP (20241228 S2E80) 

Sign the OFFICIAL “We The People Demand List” PETITION at: – We The People Demand List.

DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon

VIDEO (44m 23s): CTP Peter Serefine Of Liberty-Lighthouse ReVisits BTS/SP (CTP 20250101 S2EJanSpecial1) Video


Also by this Author:

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 1)

DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon


The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2)

DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon


About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!

Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)

Image Credit: Graphics in Featured Image (top) via Pixabay License.

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DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon

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DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon


DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon


Stay tuned to …

DOGE: Brief Suggestion, then 50 More… | The Liberty Beacon


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