Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?

Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?
“Yes, I take the metro from time to time, and it saves a lot of time when going into downtown Seattle, because I don’t have to deal with traffic, or look for parking, which is a pain in Seattle.”
Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?
“Yes, it is efficient for those who work in Seattle or nearby cities, or do not drive in general. There is either no parking in Seattle, or you have to pay to park, so having various ways of public transportation like the metro or train, has been something I have appreciated living in a city where driving and parking are challenging.”
Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?
“Taking the train down to games at Lumen Field or T-Mobile Park is the biggest perk of public transportation. I am not a fan of having to pay to park, and when you have to pay to park at stadium events, the price is usually jacked up. I don’t really use the metro, but I know people who heavily rely on it to commute to work, and it seems efficient because of all the mobile apps that are available to track how often the busses arrive, and which locations are nearby you.”
Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?
Comparatively to other cities, Seattle’s public transprotation is relatively clean and safe. Time between destinations is speedy. I don’t use them often, but I have been on them. Going to events like baseball games though can get really crowded. But overall I have no complaints.
Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?
It works for me. I live downtown and I travel a lot, and Uber an Lyft can get expensive going back and forth to hte airpaort. The Light Rail is quick and easy to the airport. Is traffic a part of this question? Traffic on the other hand is terrible in Seattle now. Don’t know how they can make that effective or efficient. Ha, maybe more people using lighrail, I don’t know. But the rail system works for me.
Do You Find The Current Public Transportation System In Seattle Effective And Efficient?
I guess the city is trying. Our system compaare to other systems around the country like Chicago’s L train, New Yorks subway system, BART it young, we have it pretty good. Barring occassional violence on the trains, train and pedestrian accidents in the past, I don’t know if this question includes highways, that is terrible, but the lightrail, I use to go to sporting events, it can get extremely crowded but overall I think it is efficient.
