By Solomon Inok
Is our current economic crisis just an accident, a one off event? It is hard to say to some, but some will quickly blame it on the past administrations. Can those in power solve our current economic crisis? Many hope that once a leader is good as in having good leaders, situations will change. But we have gotten leader who gave their lives fighting to change things, yet the world hardship mostly on the poor keep on.
When we look at crisis like one writer sees it, “Change screaming to occur.” That therefore, means you and I must change instead. We can not wait for Obasanjor, Jonathan or even Buhari to Change and make final corrections to our future if we refuse to change and be agents of change.
It is not Political leadership that keeps economic crisis away, but our basic knowledge and understanding of the four things that keep people poor;
- Taxes,
- Debt,
- Inflation and Retirement.
Leaders control the world economy via the banks, governments, and financial markets, a situation that has been going on for centuries and will continue to go on as long as humans walk the earth. The truth is that, those who understand the rules of money will keep being at the top.
Those we call leaders, those we wait for to make the change, conspire by the use of these factors to take our money legally. The conspirators know how to make use of these forces to keep themselves rich through policies formations, while the very forces make others poor.
They know a different kind of rule. As a saviour, Governor Ayade came in with a knowledge based approach, with rules, these rules, many are yet to come to term with. That if we want to financially change our lives as a state, we will need to change our financial rules.
We need to as a matter of fact, start learning about taxes, debt, inflation and retirement and how best we can use them to our advantage.
Following the Governor’s policies closely, there is no doubt that all are directed towards increasing our financial education and changing our approach to money, creating an environment that will keep us profiting from the forces of taxes, debt, inflation, and retirement, not be victim of them as the case has shown from time past.
Today, the word, ‘Bailout Funds,” is so enticing to the ears of many Nigerians. Saving our banks and state government from complete bankruptcy. Too much debt and not enough cash to meet the debt. As the financial crisis is spreading, millions of people lost their jobs, homes, their savings, their scholarship funds, and retirement funds.
Mostly, not lost as in the monies not being there, but the value of the monies save can not meet what it was saved for. Even Lagos State today, fear they might be next in the economic bankruptcy hit.
Ayade government is working hard to move us out from just balancing a checkbook, speculate about stock market, save money in banks, invest in a retirement plan for long term. In other words, taking us out from only turning our money over to the rich, who claim to have our best interest at heart, but cannot increase the value of our savings during crisis. He is creating investment opportunities for both the rich and the poor.
We see Bankers and financial planners only when we are employed, never in schools or during periods of no jobs. They are only agents of the rich and powerful. They come not to educate but to recruit future customers.
Cross Riverians, we must stop going to school only to get a good job, work hard, pay taxes, buy a house, save money, and turn over any extra to the banks. We must start investing and building strong financial bases that will stand turbulent periods.
We must begin to think of going to school to learn how to create jobs, use money to make money and become sure of our future through our efforts, skills and talents.
We cannot change waiting for bailouts!!!!!!!!Y