Not even the training dummy AI can pull this off…
Akuma was released as a DLC character in Street Fighter 6, marking the end of Season 1 and the start of Season 2. To commemorate this, Desk recently uploaded a video showcasing how he learned to Perfect Parry against every DLC super art — with the obvious exception of the Raging Demon since it counts as a command grab.
Of course, Desk even made it a point to perform Perfect Parries against Akuma’s two secret level 2 super arts that can only be unlocked by going through a 30-second taunt animation. However, it’s interesting to note that it was actually A.K.I.’s section of the video that takes up the most time.
As it turns out, A.K.I.’s level 2 super art is extremely difficult to Perfect Parry. According to Desk, it might just be the single most difficult super art to Perfect Parry in Street Fighter 6.
Funnily enough, not even the training mode AI is capable of pulling this off against A.K.I. Apparently, it’ll only Perfect Parry the first few hits, but then will stop trying due to the speed of the projectiles.
Desk claims that the player needs to input six precise inputs, all within 24 frames. That’s 0.4 seconds in total.
Truth be told, there’s not a practical reason as to why someone would want to Perfect Parry A.K.I.’s entire level 2 super art considering that a regular Drive Parry will achieve almost the same thing. Ultimately, Desk did this just for the sake of proving that it can be done.
Check it all out below: