In every western country, 50% want all the illegal immigrants deported immediately. All of them. Not one left. If the media were honest, if people knew the truth, it would be 90%, a crashing societal-wide consensus: end all immigration, legal and illegal, now.
There has been no greater betrayal than that of our priest class, which is to say our so-called knowledge elite and public servants.
They sold us down the river. And far too many got very very rich while doing nothing but sleazy paperwork. The depth of the theft, its reach, the numbers paid off, the mechanism of the bribes, have not been plumbed. But without doubt, the quickest route to wealth for the ungifted is public service.
Trump is right about Canada. At this point the country’s security has been so corrupted by its immigration policy, that China and the CCP are generally recognized as the most powerful influence in the country.
Our west coast is now a staging ground into the U.S. for Triad and Cartel crime, human trafficking, meth and fentanyl. Vancouver and Toronto are the principal money laundering centres in North America. As detailed in the linked interview above and this piece by Sam Cooper (ER: We recommend work by Sam Cooper) — the acknowledged (by the police) expert on CCP and fentanyl — we export enough fentanyl in one month to kill every American. CCP influence and funding is tied to the Prime Minster’s office, and China’s United Front is behind Mark Carney’s campaign.
This, below, is 100% caused by politicians and the CCP.
Our existence as a nation is in danger. We are likely to fall in the next decade, either becoming the 51st state or completely ungovernable, crime-ridden, and more corrupt than any country in the so-called democratic west. Our politicians lie and hide and lie some more.
We are not alone. And the primary cause is immigration.
Our sisters, Ireland, the U.K., France and Germany are in the same state. They too are ready to fall, their debts insurmountable, their bureaucracies flatly criminal. Anyone rightly positioned is on the take. Women and children are groomed and raped, killed, their bodies desecrated right in front of our police and they do nothing. IF the criminals are arrested, they are released within months despite charges that would put a citizen in jail for life. Our beaches are now filth, our cities filled with Muslims screaming about the genocidal maniacs in Palestine, and our hospitals, libraries and university halls filled with homeless and howling migrants.
SHOCKING: Armed suspect rushes the stage to attack a pastor at Holy Ghost Church in Winnipeg. After the pastor escaped, the man stabbed a knife in the altar and sat down before being detained by an off-duty RCMP officer and other church attendees.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) February 10, 2025
These people have no intention of integrating. Too many Finns in Finland says this woman. “That will change,” she promises.
Muslims have every intention of shifting the U.S. towards sharia, and taking over the government. Ilhan Omar’s district is a training ground for every terrorist in the country. This is a plan, a meticulous, inch-by-inch plan. We will have 50 congressmen soon, says this fanatic. American citizens no doubt fund his entire life.
The evidence is mountainous, thousands of videos and testimonies are published every day by increasingly frantic citizens. Ignored by the press, lied about by the politicians. Every government stat is a lie. Here is a broadcaster and reporter who went in search of evidence and found it. Alex Phillips describes the hell experienced by every woman under 70 on British streets. Then she dug into the hidden crime stats which no government publishes and no media reports.
ER: 6 minute video, worth it —
This is a rare example of honesty:
And today, in every country, citizens want them out. Germans march through their streets chanting OUT OUT OUT. Social media is crammed with citizen videos from every country showing violence, trashed streets, ruined neighborhoods, city centres looking like the worst African slums, videos of shattered, raped children and women, judges who released violent and crazed murderers
The immigration scam took fifty years to shatter. Starting with the first public globalist wingding, the 1972 U.N. Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, all the noble bureaucrats and politicians signed onto the beginnings of the Green Scam, which directed each country to begin taking in, bleeding off as it were, the desperate in each country.
Like all conferences out of the U.N., it was anti-growth, it was ‘the sky is falling’ bullshit that poisoned every country for the next fifty years. No question of those desperate countries actually developing. No, they would be laden with impossible regulations that choked growth because of Gaia. A tsunami of crap science then descended on the world. That Stockholm confab was the first poison dart into the heart of the west. From then on, in every country, the “virtuous” course was mapped out.
It is salutary to recognize that today, the host of that evil, Sweden, has been suffering the longest and hardest of all the west. The violence in their streets is unstoppable and no matter what they try, it fails. Deportation? They try. let’s put it that way.
I spent the last two weeks labouring through the history of immigration policy in Canada. I could pick up a similar book in the U.K., Ireland, any European country, the U.S., and the pattern would be repeated, stroke for stroke, the systematic drawn-out corruption of the judiciary, senior bureaucrat, politicians, refugee NGO, churches, and of course the cohort of ignorant, destructive kittens and rainbow women. All of them made out like bandits. These books are not published by the mainstream. They are not even digitized. They are hard to find. And they are filled with immutable fact.
Betrayal and Deceit, the Politics of Canadian Immigration is a month-by-month description of how the service was corrupted over thirty years. Everyone who touched it became borderline criminal. Every bruited appointee who promised loudly in the pages of the broadsheets to FIX THE PROBLEM, made it worse. Every study was traduced or ignored. Every directive was run over and ignored. Every fact was buried. It was a surreptitious Marxist takeover. Operatives within the system disobeyed or ignored orders, judges and panels were cherry-picked to the point where any attempt to slow down the floods, not only failed, but made the situation worse.
This Toronto couple survived a home invasion. Just. This is surprising because, like our universal health care, the posh neighborhoods are protected from migrant crime.
It took two weeks to read a 200 page book because I was so distressed. I had to take breaks, long breaks. The lives these people ruined, the flagrant theft of the people’s money, the traducing of fact and truth was revolting. In my country, the benighted misericord that is Canada, our preening public servants substituted immigration for growth. At no time did they work for the public who elected and paid them. At every turning they worked for the globalists. The globalists wanted resource use drawn down and the globalists wanted to flood the successful countries with the unsuccessful. And it was done. Every single sentence that came out of policy maker’s mouths was a lie. Every newspaper piece was a tissue of lies. Every statistic was a lie. Every person appointed became a criminal. This is what they created:
ER: Alas, we couldn’t find this on Twitter and Nickson only gives us a still image ... #Poilievre Brampton
Before we go any further, the record of what was called “independent immigration” is, in contrast, sterling. Independent immigrants from traditional sources were chosen on merit, on suitability, education, profession, family stability, speaking the language. Despite the fact that the liars in Immigration tout this as Canada’s policy, it is not. Those potential immigrants are left languishing for years, waiting for their applications to be reviewed. Fewer of them are brought in every year.
This is what drivers face in a country once the safest in the world:
Instead, it is a criminal flood of “refugees”. According to refugee tribunal members, every single refugee lies. 95% are economic migrants and not coming to work, they are coming to feed. And they do. The clever ones make as much as $80,000 a year from the public purse. The rest camp out in our hospitals, which are flooded with deeply sick individuals with diseases not seen here for 100 years. Twenty six thousand of us died on hospital wait-lists last year, by the way.
Independent immigrants, of whatever race or color, integrated, adopted western values, and within five years were making equivalent salaries. They were not plotting, as today’s Indians and Muslims are, a takeover, a wholesale overturning of western values. They did not riot in the streets all summer long. They did not shit on the beaches, they did not rape children and women, they did not take over entire neighborhoods and turn them to trash, they did not slaughter beasts in the public parks, they did not overwhelm the hospitals in small towns, they did not take over the public schools and fill them with children who did not speak English or French and had no intention of doing so, or learning to read or do math.
They did not live in posh hotels, they did not get $40,000 a year each in benefits, they did not demonstrate contempt for our values. They did not call up Revenue Canada and shriek about their child benefits. They paid taxes, they contributed, they fit in.
My brother worked with independent immigrants to Canada for thirty years. “They come for one reason and one reason only,” he says. “They come for the order. The honesty.”
That is gone. Everything now is a lie. It took fifty years and it’s over. The entire culture has been corrupted. Nothing works properly. Materials are shoddy, air travel is a nightmare, hospitals are kill zones, health care is worst than third world. Our schools are overrun with children who can’t speak either official language. This week, a repairman pulled out a broken piece of our relatively new $5,000 stove. “Cheap steel,” he declared. “I’m finding this shoddy material in all of them. If an oven lasts more than three years, it’s a miracle.”
Once lies start, it takes only a few decades and then everyone cheats.
Our once pristine city streets are filled with garbage, our civil unity has been shattered and “whites” are withdrawing as fast as they can from the cities they have allowed their politicians to destroy.
As an aside, when I first encountered the disaster that is immigration policy twenty years ago, I asked Martin Collacott, an immigration critic and one of our few honest, not sleazy, former ambassadors (Cambodia, Syria), whether, by bringing in the most talented and ambitious from struggling countries we were not depriving those countries of the people who were critical to their country’s future? He wrote the forward for Betrayal and Deceit, the Politics of Canadian Immigration.
Collacott replied, “I have not thought about that before. How interesting. That is a values question….”
And above my pay grade, he implied. But the whole thing has been framed as a moral question because any reason for our immigration policy has long fled.
Here is a list of some of the outrageous lies told by bureaucrats, which they know are lies. They have been presented with fact based study after study proving the below facts. Any immigration reporter knows this to be the truth and nonetheless lies. Every editorial writer knows this is the truth and nonetheless lies. Every politician knows this is the truth, and nonetheless lies about it.
- Canada does not need immigrants for population growth as we are told repeatedly. We have never needed it. Among us, there is a steady 13 births for every seven deaths. We are more than self-replacing. By burdening the social and physical structure with more people that was natural, we increased competition to the point where people couldn’t afford to have children and build strong families. No country does; it is a principal reason for the critical slow growth of family formation, the growing number of single men and angry women. Our population rise may be not crazy post-war boomer level, but it is sufficient. Nothing is gamed like birth stats. We bleed our life’s blood to immigrants.
- Canada does not need more skilled workers or professionals. We were developing our own just fine. Again Immigration Canada has been presented with these studies many times.
- “Family class” or dependent immigrants have replaced skilled immigrants as the number one priority. This is in every country. Dependent means that they should be dependent on the family member sponsoring their candidacy. That does not happen.
- Convenience marriage is more common than not, creating two dependent people, not one functional couple.
- Immigrants are told they must integrate with Canadian values. Except this woman was beaten from the age of six year old for … everything.
- Advertising for immigration levels by the government are complete fabrications. In 1998 tellingly, before an election, a critical need for 33,500 jobs was advertised at Christmas for the next year. 41,000 immigrants were brought in. 768 jobs were available. That is the level of petty lying across thousands and thousands of government “decisions”. Citizens pay for every mistake. In 1998, they paid welfare for those 40,232 immigrants for years until they were retrained, learned the language and found their feet. If ever.
- Canada does not need a larger population. Repeated studies over several decades have shown that the fastest periods of per capita income growth has come during periods of zero to low immigration levels. There is NO correlation between immigration and economic health. Other than for the criminal bureaucracy. Their income went up.
- This is how horrifying the housing has become:
- It is commonly acknowledged among members of the public, police, RCMP, educators and retired business men and women, including senators, who have volunteered for refugee panels and commissions, that duplicity drives the formulation and application of our immigration and refugee rules and regulations.
- For instance, we have 367,000 Indians over 65 here on student visas.
- New immigrants from non-traditional sources make 40% of the average Canadian income. And that percentage is dropping. They rely on the state to make up the difference.
- All refugee claims are accepted upon application.
- Eight out of ten of our refugee claims are later found to be fraud.
- Deportation orders are never obeyed. The claimant enters a round of appeals for forty months during which they are given welfare, housing and medical care. When those run out the migrant vanishes. No one cares. No one looks.
- One single refugee claimant costs the taxpayer an initial $50,000. There are tens of thousands every year. Going forward, they claim benefits amounting to the same annually. Almost none make enough money to pay taxes.
- Almost none are deported. All are on welfare. It’s not enough to live on so they turn to crime.
- The system fails towards mass amnesties. Deliberately. Clogged systems invite amnesty and are therefore clogged by operatives within the system.
- Commissions and tribunals are struck to “fix the problem”. Members (bureaucrats) do not bother to show up or when they do they are not prepared and lazy. Nothing gets solved. Every tribunal or commission ends with more refugee claims, more backlog.
- All the jobs on Designated Occupations Lists can be filled by Canadians. At election time, politicians game these lists by adding professions like quilting machine repairers, tobacco machine adjusters, shearing-machine fixers. All for the ethnic vote. Why, with all our cooking schools and trade schools, which we fund, are we bringing in chefs, sous-chefs, millwrights, gum wrapping machine repairers, and heavy-duty machine repairers?
- Immigration officials at the rail head – the airports – plead for visa restrictions and are refused.
- Tribunal officers suffer from perjury fatigue. Every complainant lies. They’ve stopped caring.
- Iranian refugees in the 1980’s brought in the vigorous Southeast Asian heroin, business which sells to the United States. Chinese brought in human trafficking and fentanyl. Every new group brings in a new crime syndicate. Our police are way out of their depth. Nothing is checked, vetted properly. Ever.
- Several notable books have described the corruption of Asian immigration. One reporter has identified one individual bureaucrat, high up in the system and still employed, responsible for the citizenship of more than a dozen Triad leaders.
- In the past ten years, new immigrants aren’t bothering to learn the language. They populate one suburb entirely and live off the taxpayer, most intend to do so for the rest of their lives. They settle down to breed, their intention the child benefit, and a repeatedly stated goal to play the long game, to take everything we built. We have accepted so many lies, they have contempt for us. We are weak, we don’t deserve what we have.
- No one checks criminal records of refugee claimants.
- Canadian citizenship is available for $11,000. It is sold on the black market all over Africa and the Middle East. Free medical care, housing and child benefits are promised.
- Immigrants admitted as entrepreneurs seldom make good on their investment promises. They can bring in nine family members, 60% of whom end up on welfare.
- Welfare costs for “family members” who were not taken care of, as promised, reached over $700 million a year by 1989. That number lies in the ten billion range today.
- A Supreme Court order ruled that any individual who lands on Canadian soil is immediately granted all the rights of citizenry, including support and education.
- Immigrants do not create more jobs than they take. They have been found to be a net liability for the structural economy. Immigrants are more often found in declining industries and were having difficulty being retrained. Most have elementary education and limited English. They depreciated the quality of the work force and contributed to its degradation.
And there is this. A Wall Streeter looking at the public budgets for the agencies published by DOGE, extracted this. This is a decent representation of what immigration has cost us. Imagine that money purposed to something productive. Anything productive. Anything at all.
The immigration programs are a massive get-rich-quick for a quango of private and public interests aimed directly at the wealth of western society and against the men and women who built those cultures, and maintain them today. It was an attack on our mores, our morals, our values, our classical education — which built science and art as we know it. They choked our growth, they kneecapped our development, they starved our kids of opportunity and turned entire neighborhoods to filth, violence and child rape.
All these bureaucrats, belong in jail. None of them should have taxpayer-funded pensions and, in hundreds of cases, their wealth, all purloined, taken through insider deals with taxpayer money, must be vitiated. Used to pay down the public debt they ran up for their own profit.
Migrants destroy a piano at Part Dieu shopping centre in Lyon.
They ruin everything.
— Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra) December 14, 2024
The whirlwind of pain about to be visited on public servants across the West is entirely deserved.
Source: TLB