Dem Strategist Urges Kamala: “Please Don’t Run Again” | The Liberty Beacon

Dem Strategist Urges Kamala: "Please Don't Run Again" | The Liberty Beacon

Dem Strategist Urges Kamala: “Please Don’t Run Again”

‘Hillary 2028’ Speculation Rife

By Steve Watson via

A prominent Democratic strategist has advised Kamala Harris to never run again for president following her landslide loss to president Trump.Dem Strategist Urges Kamala: "Please Don't Run Again" | The Liberty Beacon

Theryn Bond made the comments Wednesday in an interview with Newsmax, following the release of a video by Harris in which she appeared dishevelled and, some have speculated, drunk, telling supporters to keep fighting.

According to Politico, Harris has told advisors she is “staying in the fight” and may be considering another presidential run in 2028 or the launch of a gubernatorial campaign in California.

“[Her political ambitions should] not be to run for president again in 2028, please don’t,” Bond urged during the Newsmax National Report segment.

“I can’t really speak for governor of California. Californians seem to support her significantly, we haven’t yet be able to measure what that support looks like after this current run she just had. That may be the only thing that would make sense for her to consider, but another shot at the presidency, I hope she doesn’t,” Bond added.

“And if she is relying on those same advisers that advised her the first cycle, that is not who I would listen to,” the strategist further warned.

Republican strategist Luke Ball chimed in, declaring that Kamala couldn’t even get elected as a “dog catcher” now in anywhere except California, particularly given the news that her campaign burned through $1.5 billion and ended up $20 million in debt.

As we previously highlighted, a poll conducted among Democratic voters to gauge who the Party should consider running for the next election found that a staggering 41 percent want Harris to run again, despite her woeful loss.

Here’s Who Democrats Want To Run In 2028

Have they learned nothing?

There simply isn’t another Democratic candidate, unless they return to Hillary Clinton for a 2028 run.


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Header featured image (edited) crredit: Photos via Associated Press. Emphasis added by (TLB)


Dem Strategist Urges Kamala: "Please Don't Run Again" | The Liberty Beacon


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Dem Strategist Urges Kamala: "Please Don't Run Again" | The Liberty Beacon


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