Dem. NYC Mayor Adams: Illegal Aliens Could Fill Lifeguard Shortage Because They’re “Excellent Swimmers”

Dem. NYC Mayor Adams: Illegal Aliens Could Fill Lifeguard Shortage Because They’re “Excellent Swimmers”
Adams also wants illegals with nursing backgrounds to get expedited jobs

Speaking at the New York City Hall on Tuesday, the Big Apple’s Democrat Mayor Eric Adams suggested illegal aliens be given jobs as lifeguards since they’re allegedly great swimmers.

“How do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards? And, the only obstacle is that we won’t give them the right to work to become a lifeguard,” he told the press.

The mayor also suggested illegal aliens who simply claim to have nursing experience should be expedited into hospital positions in order to solve the city’s ongoing nursing shortage.

“If we had a plan that said, ‘If there was a shortage of food service workers and those who fit that criteria, we’re going to expedite you,’ if you have experience that you are a nurse and we have nursing shortage, we would expedite you,” he said.

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This is only one of the ramifications of the United Nations Great Replacement initiative that is flooding Western nations in Europe and North America with Third World citizens ahead of a planned societal collapse.

U.S. citizens of every race, religion and political affiliation are at risk of being conquered by the millions of foreign invaders being intentionally brought into the country.
