DAPCHI : A Solemn Prayer for Miss Leah Sharibu, yet-to-be-released Boko Haram abductee

DAPCHI : A Solemn Prayer for Miss Leah Sharibu, yet-to-be-released Boko Haram abductee

24 March 2018 
Oh Jehovah God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, look kindly upon your daughter Miss Sharibu Leah, have mercy upon her, protect her from wickedness and evil, be with her, and through her, let the world know that You are God. The I-Am-That-I-Am, the Redeemer, protector of Your faithful children. 
For Your sake, and sake alone, Your daughter stood bold, and refused to bow down to any god but You. She stood firm where millions of us, in the same circumstances would have succumbed.
God of Silas, God of Elijah, God of Peter, manifest Your Power, demonstrate Your awesomeness, and visit Your wrath upon her abductors. 
We pray oh Lord…
Tim Nyor
Recall that 110 girls were on 19 February 2018 reportedly abducted by Boko Haram Terrorist (BHT). 

On 21 March 104 of them were released under controversial circumstances, 5 reportedly dead and one, Leah Sharibu, still in custody of BHT for her religious conviction. 

I join in this prayer of Nyor.

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